Tuesday, June 30, 2009

TORQUEMADA "TORTURED?": City of St. Augustine managers ' angst-ridden exhibition of hatred of Open Record requests posted on KKK-Style hate website

Inquisition water torture, circa 1556 (year after our City's founding)

WILLIAM B. HARRISS, ST. AUGUSTINE CITY MANAGER, chief violator of First Amendment rights in St. Augustine, Florida, he ordered dumping of solid waste in our Old City Reservoir and ir and coverup of sewage effluent dumped in saltwater marsh

Tomás de Torquemada, first Inquisitor General of Spain

Who but top-level apparatchiks would be so hateful about the Public's Right to Know as to obsess about a single Open Records website it on a KKK-style hate website, on New Years' Eve?

From www.shamefulpeople.com:

In a recent exchange between Slavin and the City which was published by Slavin on his own blog, Slavin reveals his obsession with torturing the processes of local government.

At the apparent instigation of Dwight Hines, Slavin finds a reference on a public Internet website that erroneously indicated a late filing of a quarterly report concerning the city waste water treatment plant.

Slavin contacts John Regan and Martha Campbell to find out why the report has not been filed with the Environmental Protection Agency …. but he is not content to stop there.

Before he receives a response or takes the time to gather the facts, he “shotguns” his initial request for an answer to several media outlets. From the e-mail that Slavin published, it appears that in addition to contacting Regan and Campbell for an answer, he “carbon copied” the following:


It turns out that the city had filed the report for the July-September quarter as required. After taking time to search the local records, the city located certified mail receipts signed by the agency showing receipt of the

The city took additional time to contact the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Compliance representative, Karen Girard, who concurred that the DMR’s are on file as required.

There was no need for alarm. The sky is not falling.

We have witnessed this shameful behavior by Slavin in the past. Wave the red flag! Alert the media! The city has done something wrong! Scoop! Only to find out later that there was absolutely nothing wrong except more time and taxpayer money wasted chasing one of Ed Slavin’s tall tales and hysterical allegations.

I find it interesting that Slavin has shameful Commissioner Ken Bryan on his e-mail distribution. Birds of a feather …..
This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 31st, 2008 at 5:53 PM and is filed under Ed Slavin, Ken Bryan . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

6 Responses to “Slavin tactics reveal shameful agenda”

BabbleOn Says:
January 1st, 2009 at 9:53 AM

The text of Slavin’s letters posted on his shameful site reveal a ‘reply to’ fax number (904-819-5817) belonging to Global Wrap, owned by Judith Seraphin. Is Global Wrap and Judith Seraphin to be held accountable for Slavin’s ill-intentioned damage?

As far as Ken Bryan being on the email list- no wonder there. Both Democrats, both deceptive, both self serving opportunists who offer nothing, in the end. Anywhere you find false allegations, Slavin and Ken Bryan will be there.
BabbleOn Says:
January 3rd, 2009 at 1:08 PM

I think Slavin may be unhappy about his appearance on ShamefulPeople.com. Could it be that it’s hit too close to home, and his paychecks at GlobalWrap? Or can he just dish out lies about others and not take the truth about himself? Is he really surprised that nobody wants to shake his hand or willfully speak to him?
Get used to it, Mr. Slavin. We see you for the deranged, unhinged, delusional, unbalanced, social outcast, decrepit, useless maligner, falsifier, perjurer, malicious self serving scurrilous rodent in our midst. Your slime will not cling to anyone except for those who pay you to act this way, and those who use you to serve themselves.
Taxed2Death Says:
January 5th, 2009 at 7:14 PM

Frankly, I don’t care if Ed Slavin is “happy” or “unhappy”.

I DO CARE about the money he makes our government waste responding to his ridiculous, self-serving snipe hunts.

acereporter Says:
January 6th, 2009 at 6:13 AM

Slavin only has one obviously self-serving agenda — force government employees to waste time by taking time away from their official responsibilities just to play with him.


Slavin sent an e-mail to the city on 12/30/08 at 4:39 p.m. because, based on an e-mail he received from troublemaker Dwight Hines, he thought that he caught them filing a late report; .

The city researched Slavin’s question and John Regan responded, by e-mail, on 12/31/08 at 1:25 p.m. informing Slavin that they had located the documents showing that the three pertinent reports had each been filed when due.

Slavin, in his own inimitable way, can not be satisfied that he has just wasted a day of city administrators time on the phone and in e-mail just to find out that nothing was wrong — now he demands copies of the proof be faxed to him and copies of all the related documents.


Under the law, Slavin has the right to go to the custodian of the records and inspect them, in person, at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice, without charge.

The city office is under no obligation to respond immediately to Slavin’s questions by producing copies of documents, either by e-mail or fax, without collecting a reasonable fee for that service. The City of St. Augustine offered to provide access to the records at City Hall - as required. The city is under NO OBLIGATION to be Ed Slavin’s personal secretarial service.

Regan’s e-mail response to Slavin was a courtesy offered to reassure him that there had been no wrongdoing on the part of the city PRIMARILY because of the fact that Slavin had abusively copied in several media contacts implying that he had accomplished some earth-shattering discovery — which he hadn’t.

In Regan;s response, he says:

The City’s Public Records Policy provides that copies of public records are available for a statutory fee of $0.15 per page. The return receipts total three pages, and the associated documents total an additional 48 pages. At $0.15 per page, copying costs total $7.65. You may review the records or obtain copies at the Office of the City Manager, 75 King Street, Fourth Floor, St. Augustine.

Instead of paying the $7.65 for copies of the requested records, it is ONCE AGAIN clear that Slavin has no intention, or possibly no capacity, to pay the minimal fee required for their production.

Slavin did the same thing recently in requesting records from State Representative Bill Proctor’s office - records which were gathered at Slavin’s request — but for which Slavin refused to pay.

Slavin claims to make the Governor’s office provide copies of public records without charge but their is no evidence of that.

PAY THE $7.65 YOU FREELOADING BASTARD or quit wasting our government employee’s time.

Instead of paying the fees for the work he has ordered, this deadbeat elects to bully and ridicule the city SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WONT FAX COPIES of documents to him on demand for free.

Excerpts from Slavin’s published comments:

Rather Than Fax Copies of Three (3) Return Receipt Cards, City of St. Augustine Would Rather Fight Than Switch

Arrogance is as arrogance does — see the latest time-waster from City Attorney RONALD W. BROWN (below). Rather than fax the cards upon which the City relies to claim it sent information to EPA timely — rather than waive fees, as the Governor’s office routinely does — RON BROWN would rather show his (ample) behind.

Your running interference for the City on the simplest of requests –occasioned by EPA’s database reporting you in violation — is pettifoggery, plain and simple.

WILLIAM B. HARRISS’ officiousness and pettiness is again on display — having his minions waste their time by writing pointless letters instead of faxing the cards, which would have taken 30 seconds.

Pettifogging city of St. Augustine city attorney Ronald Brown would rather write ukaeses about illegal “policy” than fax return receipt cards.

Red Ruffansore Says:
January 7th, 2009 at 8:28 PM

“running interference for the City on the simplest of requests –occasioned by EPA’s database reporting you in violation — is pettifoggery, plain and simple.”

Dictionary.com defines ‘pettifog’:

1. to bicker or quibble over trifles or unimportant matters.
2. to carry on a petty, shifty, or unethical law business.
3. to practice chicanery of any sort.

Someone needs to take a quick peek in the mirror.

At least that’s the way Old Red sees it.
JustWink Says:
January 15th, 2009 at 4:53 PM

“Goes around, comes around.”

“Turn about is fair play.”

Not quoting any of Ed Slavin’s illustrious sources, but they make the point.

It’s about time Slavin and his many equally as demented cohorts were singled out for the constant pettifoggery they have perpetrated–and continue to perpetrate–upon the City and its employees over the past few years.

Slavin’s blitzkreigs on the City Commission and City Administration are nightmares for taxpayers in this town of 14,000.

Waste staff time = waste money.

Picturing Slavin as Heath Ledger’s “The Joker” in “The Dark Knight,” I’d like to say to Slavin: STOP WASTING OUR TIME, MONEY AND RESOURCES.

Salacious and vituperative language is okay for Slavin to spew, but when someone dares call him out for continuing his attacks and lies there is always a high-pitched squeal of “My First Amendment rights!”

Shameful People needs to add Betty J. (a/k/a “BJ”) Kalaidy to its cast of disgruntled, misled, useless characters. And Dr. Dwight Hines.

(End of hateful rant by City of St. Augustine managers and their hangars-on)

Commentary: They named their website well -- these are "Shameful people" who put 40,000 cubic yards of solid waste in our Old City Reservoir.

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