Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The spirit of bipartisanship

Our U.S. Congressman John Mica (R-Winter Park) will be seated next to Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer at tonight's State of the Union Address. See below.

I like bipartisanship. It's the American way. No progress is possible without it.

Some of my best friends are Republicans (some are recovering Republicans or RINOS or "Republicans in Name Only").

In the 1970s, when I worked for three liberal Democratic Senators while I was in undergraduate school at Georgetown, it was very common for ideologically opposite U.S. Senators to become best friends, even those who differed vehemently on the Floor. It's part of the art of politics and compromise.

Today, the FOX attack machine has made meanness the order of the day. That hurts our country.

I am proud of Rep. Mica for sitting next to Rep. Boxer. Maybe they'll talk about the St. Augustine National Historical Park and Seashore.

Rep. Mica's new Legislative Director, Mr. Wiley Deck, has the draft of the St. Augustine National Historical Park and Seashore legislation. Working together, Democrats, Republicans and independents can make this country a better place.

I still believe in a place called Hope.

Footnote: Barbara Boxer's son Doug, was my first summer law clerk when I was Legal Counsel for Constitutional Rights at the Government Accountability Project in Washington, D.C. and Sen. Boxer was in the House of Representatives. Senator Barbara Boxer has long been a champion for ethical employee whistleblowers.

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