Welcome, George McGovern, Our New Neighbor at St. Augustine Beach!
George McGovern ran JFK's Food For Peace Program

George McGovern investigated poverty with RFK

George McGovern mentored Bill Clinton, who ran his Texas campaign

George McGovern supported Barack Obama
Our courageous 1972 Democratic Presidential nominee, Senator George S. McGovern, is now a proud resident of St. Augustine Beach. George McGovern had the courage to run against Richard Nixon, one of the most corrupt Presidents in history -- he had the courage as a patriotic American to change and criticize our government
We're proud Senator McGovern has moved to our wonderful town, whose governments the people here have the courage to change and criticize!
I've been a active Democrat since working on McGovern's campaign in Southern N.J. in 1972, at age 15.
George McGovern still inspires us all. As he said in his "Come Home America" acceptance speech in 1972: "And this is the time to stand for those things that are close to the American spirit. We are not content with things as they are. We reject the view of those who say, 'America -- love it or leave it. ' We reply, 'Let us change it so we may love it the more.'”
Welcome to St. Augustine, Senator McGovern!

George McGovern ran a heroic campaign against corrupt President Richad Milhous Nixon in 1972
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