RONALD DION DESANTIS (2012; Photo credit: Flagler Live:

Freshman Republican U.S. Representative, RONALD DION DESANTIS (R-Ponte Vedra), is the darling of the Koch Brothers, The Tea Party, Faux FOX News and the money-losing, Moonie-owned Washington Times. On February 12, 2013, Rep. DeSantis published a screechy column in the Washington Times, a right-wing rag founded by the Rev. Moon, demanding that President Obama sound "humble" in his State of the Union Address.
DeSantis insulted the 53% of the American people who voted for President Obama, stating that his "re-election was built not on championing his first term achievements, but on spending millions of dollars assassinating the character of his Republican opponent and perfecting a campaign effort that maximized turnout among low-information voters. Mr. Obama won in spite of his first term agenda, not because of it." READ MORE DRIVEL HERE:
What "character assassination?" Obama's campaign defined Romney's lack of character.
"Low-information voters," indeed. What do you say about racists who watch FOX NEWS?
What a slur -- he means poor people and minorities.
They know more about suffering and the economy than this guy.
RONALD DION DESANTIS sounds like an elitist Ivy League energumen -- pouting at progress.
Rep. DESANTIS sounds like a fungible Republican reprobate, shedding more heat than light.
Rep. DESANTIS is a snooty graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School.
At age 35, what has DESANTIS accomplished in life?
Whom has DESANTIS helped, besides the Koch Brothers and their ilk?
At age 35, what has RONALD DION DESANTIS ever done in terms of pro bono legal work?
He was a corporate and military attorney.
Does DESANTIS sound like a rapid-rabid-response robot paid for by the Koch Brothers?
What would James Madison say? Is DESANTIS all about slogans, or public service? What do you reckon?
Rep. DESANTIS, at age 35, should act his age and not his shoe size.
Rep. DESANTIS must follow his own "advice" and cultivate a lot more "humility."
Rep. DESANTIS must appreciate that he is the Congressman from Florida's Sixth Congressional District, not the Congressman from the people who agree with him.
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