Saturday, June 22, 2013

Forgive them

Racist anti-Semite Jesse Benjamin (J.B.) Stoner speaks in front of the Gadsen "Don't Tread on Me" flag (now used by the local Tea Party), to KKK rally in St. Augustine's Slave Market Square (a/k/a "Plaza de la Constitucion), 1964. Note apparent law enforcement badge above belt of man on right, holding Gadsen flag (used by local Tea Party today).  Educated as a lawyer, J.B. Stoner was later incarcerated for the 1958 bombing of Atlanta's Bethel Baptist Church. He died in 2005, still hating.

You might call them the Confederate News Network. 
Between Michael Gold's Historic City News and Morris Communications' St. Augustine Record, there have been quite a few racist postings in recent months.  Historic City News has also had several homophobic postings, from the usual KKK types, spewing hatred at Mayor Joseph Boles, Vice Mayor Nancy Sikes-Kline and other City of St. Augustine officials for voting to protect human rights (December 10, 2013 Fair Housing ordinance amendment adding "sexual orientation" as protected class.)
Tonight, Michael Gold's HCN shows its true hate site colors, with twin postings by local haters Doug Russo and Stanton Tedder, Sr., both angry at commmunity plans to commemorate the 1964 Civil RIghts Act in Lincolnville. 
"Preacher" Doug Russo wrote, "more bleeding heart hussein lovers, pushing a lie." Tedder wrote, "Nothing but lies (sic) has (sic) been told about 1964, and I know they are lies!!!!"  (original punctuation in haec verba).
Forgive them.
Doug Russo and Stanton Tedder, Sr. were among the KKK-style pickets against our St. Augustine Gay Pride Day on June 11, 2005, as reported in the Record, complete with hateful signs.
Purporting to be a "Christian," filled with anything but love, Doug Russo made hateful anti-Gay statements at the December 10, 2012 City Commission meeting, then heckled Commissioners as "reprobates," stating "you're fired!"
Why?  Because Commissioners unanimously voted to add "sexual orientation" as a protected class to our Fair Housing ordinance, rejecting bigotry that carried the day in Jacksonville last August, with Jacksonville City Council rejecting Gay rights.  Earlier, Russo heckled the Mayor while I was speaking in favor of the ordinance, because the Mayor granted me a few extra seconds to conclude my remarks.  Mayor Boles gavelled Russo, saying he could have asked for more time if he wanted it.  Doug Russo's heckling led to:
(a) security enhancements that take effect at the Commission meeting on June 24th; and
(b) Mayor Boles stating after Russo called him and other Commissioners  "reprobates," "Would someone please escort that idiot out of the room?"
Forgive Russo & Co.
Russo and his Tea Party gang may be found on St. George Street with inauthentic colonial garb, a "Don't Tread on Me" sign and signs stating "Obama is a Communist."
Here's video of Russo from YouTube, attacking our Commander in Chief:
U.S. Secret Service please note: ask the FBI in Jacksonville about Doug Russo's activities here in St. Johns County, including threats to public officials and Gay activists.
Russo was one of two anti-Obama pickets at the January 20, 2009 Inauguration celebration at our Slave Market Square (a/k/a "Plaza de la Constitucion.").
"Preacher" Doug Russo and other Tea Party and KKK-type extremists viciously opposed a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore.
The extremist speakers at the November 1, 2011 St. Johns County Commission meeting were so abusive that they made gun gestures and gun noises, calling the late Robin Nadeau and other Park supporters Communists and Nazis, comparing us to Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin and saying it was all a United Natons plot!
They said our County Commissioners would be guilty of "treason" if they supported the National Park and Seashore.
So much for reasoned public debate.
Our Commissioners did not enforce their own civility rules.
Our County Attorney did not provide any legal analysis of park legislation.
Our County Administration did not provide any information.
The other-directed platoon of loons so scared our County Commissioners they stopped thinking for themselves that day. 
The Tea Party and KKK types -- social dominators -- so scared our County Commissioners so much that they voted not to endorse the Park and Seashore.
Forgive them all.
Venceremos! (We shall overcome).

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