Sunday, July 07, 2013

RECORD EDITORIAL PAGE'S FULSOME FILLER: Three "Anonymice" on St. Augustine Record editorial page

In the print version of today's St. Augustine Record (SAR), in the lower right column  of  the Opinion page, there are three (3) SAR website postings reposted, every single one of which is anonymous. 
Some "Anonymice."  SAR   website posters who frequenty attack others, hiding behind anonymity, bad taste, bad grammar and bad spelling.  They're often racist, sexist, misogynist and homophobic.
Who decided to print anonymous opinions in a printed newspaper? 
How low can you go? 
As in the days of the St. Augustine Record's (SAR's) hateful "Talk of the Town," it strongly appears that some of these "Anonymice" posters may be politicians (one of the "Anonymice" even calls itself "politico").
Letters to the SAR editor are required to be signed and verified by address and telephone call (now evidently except when some of the august "Anonymice" are selected to appearn the printed page, unidentified).
This opinion anonymity on the Editorial Page is unseemly.  It is gauche. It is entirely unworthy of any American newspaper -- it is almost scraping the bottom of the barrel.  That feat is, however, achieved weekly, accomplished every Monday, when Ann Coulter's column runs in the SAR -- often longer than any other column -- hateful, predicatable ad nauseum, ad hominem (through her PR agency, William Morris, Ann Coulter in 2008  refused to debate me after she called John Edwards a "faggot."  Whipping up bigotry, Ann Coulter is laughing all the way to the bank.  And the Record takes our money and pays for her, while censoring local opinions and putting the
"Anonymice" on the printed page of this morning's paper. 
What a disgrace.

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