Thursday, September 05, 2013

Welcoming Mumford & Sons (and Diversity)

Exciting times.
Mumford & Sons is coming September 13-14, with a concert downtown at Francis Field.
St. Augustine has made a lot of progress since WILLIAM B. HARRISS left as City Manager.
Our Fair Housing ordinance covers GLBT people, unlike bigoted Jacksonville.
Our City now promotes civil rights instead of violating them.
Our City no longer arrests artists, musicians and entertainers.
Our City honors Environmental Justice, instead of polluting communities of color.
Our City promotes diversity, while our County remains in torpor.
Our City has done more with Mumford & Sons concert to promote Diversity and the Youth tourism market than our County has ever done with our bed tax money.
Meanwhile, nattering nabobs of negativism (Whetstone-Maguire and their mostly "Anonymice" toadies) take pitiful potshots. Be not afraid. These are the same mossbacks whose lawbreaking St. Johns County Visitor and Convention Bureau, Inc. (VCB) shows contempt for Youth, GLBT, African-American and Hispanic tourism, wasting money on ads in Reader's Digest and Better Homes and Gardens, and refusing to embrace and support new "attractions," such as the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore.
Thanks to the vision of our City leaders, we're on the world stage now, and we need to be more image conscious.
Let's end Sunshine and Open Records violations.
Assure transparency.
Report lawbreaking by government officials.
Stamp out corruption, wherever it may appear.
End government abuses of power, by any government entity or agency.
Embrace our diversity and reach out to African-American, Hispanic, Youth and GLBT tourism markets.
Work to establish the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore.
Work tirelessly to make St. Augustine a beter place.
Yes we can!

1 comment:

Warren Celli said...

Let’s see now... we have a rogue gangster City Of Saint Augustine government that has empowered itself by willingly and knowingly engaging in a pattern and practice of creating grossly unfair and unconstitutional Jim Crow laws — while at the same time openly bragging about and threatening to continue this subversive process should you contest it — and then having their bully goon squad police force selectively enforcing those corrupt laws to maintain power, fear, and control in the community and you call this “Exciting times.”

Then you make innocuous Pollyanna glad game claims that are not only simply untrue but they serve to validate and legitimize the gangsters and their bullying methodologies.

Clean up City of Saint Augustine? No this is toxic waste.

Warren Celli