Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Equal Pension Benefits Victory Unmentioned by Chain Gang Journalists

Two days ago, the City of St. Augustine enacted on second reading an ordinance providing for equal survivor's pension benefits for partners of Gay and Lesbian city employees. The vote was again unanimous.
Credit goes to Commissioner Donald Crichlow, who said, "it's the right thing to do." As the Pope would say, "Who am I to judge?"
Credit goes to City Manager John Regan, Assistant City Manager Timothy Burchfiled, the General Pension Board, Vice Mayor Nancy Sikes-Kline, Commissioners Leanna Freeman
It would be nice if we had a local newspaper that would report such news about progress on GLBTQ rights and employee rights, instead of an emetic diet of dull news automobile wrecks, and Reichwing PR pap, and crime in Jacksonville.
We are transforming our town before our eyes, but the recently transplanted Louisana native publisher and South Carolina editor of the St. Augustine WRecKord are otherwise occupied, with their noses in the air, too busy errantly firing older workers in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
Unadorned by irony, one talented reporter was fired during Sunshine Week in retalation for First Amendment protected activity, pressured by County officials.
As Abbie Hoffman said, apparently quoting A.J. Liebling (see comment below), evidently "freedom of the press is for those who own one."
What do you reckon?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"freedom of the press is for those who own one" is actually a quote from AJ Liebling. Also please note the correct spelling of Abbie Hoffman's name.