Friday, July 21, 2023

ANNALS OF DeSANTISTAN: Florida rulings ease concerns about drag performers at Pride parades, drag queen story hours. (Independent)

Florida is not Uganda or Nigeria. 

Florida is not Russia.

Florida is not Hungary.

Anti-LGBTQ+ hatred will not be enshrined in our laws here.

Puritanism is not the official state religion here.  

Prudes do not get to violate our rights under color of law.  

Drag has been part of American life for centuries, and dozens of famous comedians from Bob Hope to Flip Wilson have performed in drag. Governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS hoped to turn up the temperature on his kvetchy Kulturkampf (Justice Antonin Scalia's catchy phrase from a dissent in a landmark Supreme Court decision, Romer v. Evans).

What rough beastly Governor keeps losing lawsuits as he's actually losing in the Republican preference polls to odious otiose obnoxious oleaginous indicted former President DONALD JOHN TRUMP?  

Like TRUMP, Governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS is a lousy louche loser, and a fan of overdevelopment and corruption.  We renounce their works and pomps.

We are not fooled by foul fetid feculent fervid hate speech emanating from our Governor, or other elected officials, including those who hosted horrible elected officials PAUL RENNER, RICHARD LYNN SCOTT, and a Moms for Liberty spokesperson.  Their fundraiser was at the St. Johns County Golf and Country Club (a venue chosen after our School Board cancelled their SJC REC fundraiser planned for First Coast Technical College, for violating School Board policies against fundraisers on School Board property. 

From The Independent:

Florida rulings ease concerns about drag performers at Pride parades, drag queen story hours

Librarians in Florida who feared fines for hosting drag queen story hours, and Pride parade organizers who worried about citations for including drag performers, can breathe easier now

By Mike Schneier
The Independent
July 20, 2023

Librarians who feared fines for hosting drag queen story hours and Prideparade organizers who worried about citations for including drag performers can breathe easier now that a judge has ruled that his injunction blocking Florida’s anti-drag law extends to all Florida venues, an attorney who is helping challenge the law said Thursday.

A pair of orders that U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell issued in the past month makes clear that drag performances in themselves are not lewd or lascivious behavior, said Gary Israel, one of the attorneys for an Orlando restaurant that filed a lawsuit challenging the new Florida law championed by Gov. Ron DeSantis as unconstitutional.

“The state has a very weak hand in this litigation,” Israel said.

In his first order last month, the Orlando judge granted a preliminary injunction temporarily halting enforcement of the law until a trial is held to determine its constitutionality. He also denied a Florida licensing and regulatory agency’s request to dismiss the lawsuit. The agency appealed the decision and asked that during the appeal the injunction only be applied to the restaurant that brought the lawsuit.

Presnell rejected that argument on Wednesday, saying any harm to the state of Florida is minimal if the preliminary injunction remains in place, and that all Floridians are potentially parties since free speech is at stake. He reiterated that the law is likely unconstitutional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's right buddy..pile on those degenerate so called cultural issues, as if hate should be on the table, to distract from the grifting and every penny ever made being shoveled into fewer and fewer hands.To distract from the collection of taxes and the doing very little with it besides hoarding it, the non-governance, and the lack of public sector and social services in Florida.