Tuesday, October 22, 2024


First posted on this blog June 1, 2024 and lightly  updated to add "Political Tourist.":

Political tourist SAMUEL ANTHONY GRECO lived in Delray Beach (South Florida).  He and his wife purchased a home in St. Johns County on February 9, 2024, recording the deed on February 22, 2024,  That same day he filed to run for Florida House seat 19.  (There is no durational residency requirement for Florida legislature, unlike local offices here in St. Johns County and its two cities).

SAMUEL ANTHONY GRECO earned both a law degree and an international relations degree from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University (my undergraduate alma mater, where he was reportedly a member of a secret society).  

Mr. GRECO's putative "conservative" campaign for Florida House 19, the seat now encumbered by Speaker of the House PAUL RENNER, sounds like he's fluent in flatulent feculent GQP babytalk.  Does Mr. GRECO lack depth, kindness, moral reasoning and any sensitivity or research on local issues?  

In his website, Mr. GRECO emits cynical strawman arguments and drivel -- unsophisticated, uneducated, unintelligent pompous poppycock.  Mr. GRECO's oleaginous surly slogans are apparently intended for "the Booboisie" (as the "sage of Baltimore," Henry Louis Mencken would say).  

Lots of red meat for haters, pledging to:

"move the region forward and defeat the radical (sic) left." 

"fight back against the liberals who want to kill (sic) that dream and turn Florida into California."


What a waste of a good education.   

Sure sounds like Kulturkampf (Justice Antonin Scalia's term for "culture war").  

Gauche goofy galumphery, Trumpery, flummery, dupery and nincompoopery, of the sordid sort popularized by DONALD JOHN TRUMP, RONALD DION DeSANTIS and their corporate funders?

Mr. GRECO's sibilant smarmy slogans and rebarbative retromingent rhetoric stink on ice, my friends. On his first website posting, this hick hack sounding hobbledehoy comes off like an emetic extremist, ranting from the bloody fatal January 6, 2021 insurrection at our United States Capitol.  Starting the day before my first class at Georgetown University, I worked in the Capitol, which insurrectionists desecrated.

To SAMUEL ANTHONY GRECO and his campaign henchmen: get a clue.

Our Nation was founded by "liberals," and most of our presidents proudly said so.  

President George Washington wrote a letter to a Jewish congregation in Newport, R.I., referring to "our liberal policy." 

President Woodrow Wilson said we must "make the world safe for democracy." 

President John F. Kennedy said "we must make the world safe for diversity."

Some of my Georgetown SFS professors would have laughed at SAMUEL GRECO's cold calculation and arrogant "Mr. Know It All" presumptuousness.  (My grandmother said "Some people want to be somebody.  Anybody!")

Why would a well-educated Georgetown SFS and law graduate want to sound like a honkey-tonk version of PATRICK J. BUCHANAN, GEORGE CORLEY WALLACE and DONALD JOHN TRUMP? 

Who advised him to forget his education and ethics, and sound like a nut?

In the inimitable, immortal words of the late conservative Democratic Georgia U.S. Senator, Herman Talmadge, "NUTS VOTE."

Rather than learning about urgent local issues (like deforestation, clearcutting, corruption, overdevelopment, lack of affordable housing), why doth this callow putative "conservative" piss and moan? 

Why does SAMUEL ANTHONY GRECO bark at the moon and gratuitously prevaricate, exaggerate and ululate? Who advised him to cut and paste pitiful putrid pejorative one-liner?  Is he trying to ape loudmouth louche lugubrious GQP goobers, like disgraced ex-President DONALD JOHN TRUMP and Boy Governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS?  Boring. Predictable. Despicable.  

On May 24, 2024, I reached out to Mr. GRECO about real priorities here, like the proposed St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore, first proposed in 1939 by our St. Augustine Mayor, two United States Senators and our Congressman.  

Waiting for a response.  Political tourist SAMUEL ANTHONY GRECO stiffs others on interviews, today, including Anne Schindler and WJCT First Coast Connect.  Wonder why?

Exactly what is Mr. GRECO for?  

You tell me.  

Isn he an election denier?

What are Mr. GRECO's thoughts on environmental protection?

What are Mr. GRECO's thoughts on 1998 gerrymandering of St. Johns County Commission?  What are his thoughts about one-party rule and corruption, in a place where one County Commission Chair went to federal prison for bribery?

Does he understand that the military oath he took has no expiration date?

Where does SAMUEL ANTHONY GRECO stand on clearcutting and overdevelopment and book banning?

Mr. GRECO has been endorsed by Speaker of the House PAUL RENNER, et al., and is raising lots of  money.  When you have no ideals, no knowledge of local issues, and desire to attract haters with cliche by the carload, it's all about the money, right?

GRECO's opponent is Captain Adam Morley: Adam and his wife grew up here and share our values: he's concerned about pollution, home rule and overdevelopment.  Good interview by Anne Schindler on WJCT's First Coast Connect on Monday, October 21, 2024.

From Mr. GRECO's campaign website:

Meet Sam

Sam Greco is a conservative Republican candidate for the Florida House of Representatives District 19. He served his country as an active duty JAG officer in the United States Navy from 2019-2024, and was most recently based at Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, FL. During his time on active duty, Sam had the opportunity to provide legal services in a variety of environments, including underway aboard the USS Gerald R. Ford and USS West Virginia. Sam continues to serve in the United States Navy Reserves today.

Sam married his wife Elanda in 2023. As a young child, Elanda and her family legally immigrated to the United States following the fall of communism in Europe, where they witnessed destructive socialist policies first-hand. Sam's family has lived in Florida for nearly 100 years. His great-grandfather ran the barbershop at Coral Gables’ Biltmore Hotel, where Sam and Elanda got married. Sam’s maternal grandfather was a landowner in Flagler County, and his paternal grandfather graduated with one of the first post-war classes from the University of Miami.

Sam is blessed to live and work in a state where the American Dream remains alive, and he’s running for the Florida House of Representatives to fight back against the liberals who want to kill that dream and turn Florida into California. Sam is pro-life, pro Second Amendment, and pro freedom. He’s a conservative fighter who believes that Northeast Florida is the best place in America to raise a family, start a business, and buy a home, and he wants to keep it that way. At this critical time, the First Coast needs a military officer like Sam Greco to move the region forward and defeat the radical left. In Tallahassee, Sam will continue his mission of service, deliver for Flagler and St. Johns Counties, and keep Florida free.

Naval Prosecutor. Conservative Fighter.

Sam receiving a Naval pin from his wife Elanda
Sam Greco House District 19 logo


Sam Greco for Florida Facebook linkSam Greco for Florida Twitter linkSam Greco for Florida Instagram link



PO Box: 840134

St. Augustine, FL 32080


Use of Sam Greco's military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.


Jennifer said...

Yet another Billy the Bamboozler. Rent house the day before announcing candidacy, spew far right and anti-democratic propaganda to stimulate the lowest common intellectual denominator, and eventually flop out. Such a waste of time.

Charles said...

Says he wants to prevent Florida from becoming California? Already California prices and none of the social services forthcoming thanks to the hogs. So California prices for nothing! That's due to empty suits and non-governance... Republicans merely a defense for the rich to grift everyone else to a husk while they enjoy everything from healthcare to cheap labor.

David said...

Says wife fled from socialism. Many of them say things like that. Military is an authoritarian socialist system so apparently you fled capitalism there buddy. Now back in civilian world lined up to be the next empty suit protecting the grifters and the right wing police state.

Paul said...

Just another fascist confidence man trying to manipulate the fascists in society. There is no actual "radical left" in North Florida only the radical right is w problem. Second, California prices have come to Florida because of non governance by conservatives and enabling crooks.