Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mayor Gardner's Newsletter Suggests There May Be No Flags on Bridge of Lions

Flags on our bridge now history?

American flag on Bridge of Lions The light posts on our rehabilitated Bridge of Lions have two eyelets spaced above the lamps - perhaps for flying flags?

Doesn't matter. While city commissioners decided several years ago that only government or American flags would be flown on the bridge, City Attorney Ron Brown has found court rulings that the American flag "is not content neutral."
Translation: Old Glory is classified with any other flags, so permitting it to be flown allows the flying of any other flags.

All of which is moot because the Florida Department of Transportation owns the bridge, and may not continue an agreement with our city to use the light posts. Bridge project spokes -person Laurie Sanderson says that while elements of the bridge were thoroughly researched for historic accuracy, nothing was found to explain the purpose of those eyelets on the light posts.

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