Monday, January 26, 2015

City's 35 Foot Building Height Vindicated, Two 65 Foot Hotels Defeated

City Commissioners tonight twice unanimously defeated efforts to inflict "spot zoning" by amending our comprehensive plan to allow two 65 foot tall hotels. St. Augustine will forever remain a charming small town, and roundly rejects wealthy developers' materially false and misleading arguments to ruin it with excessive building heights. Three cheers!


Anonymous said...

Great work.

Please do not mess with the comp plan.

Next time, please put the monthly budget report on the scanner so that everyone can see it.

In the meantime, please start posting the same monthly budget reports requested by Commissioner Neville to the City's web site. ASAP.

Tom Reynolds said...

Why hate change for the good of the Bank Account ?
What is wrong with some new hotels that will bring in a better class of people ?
What does the word Revenue scare you good folks ?
Did you all go TEA Party Fake-tree-its on us ?
Why do you want to live in just the past ?
Have you ever smelled this old Hotel rooms ?
Why do you folks want to suppress good growth?

Ed Slavin said...

Maximum building height preserves our small town ambience, as in Nantucket. It's been that way since bank building was built in 1927: we all agree. Nothing charming or historic about skyscrapers. Thanks for the satire: we needed a laugh at the greedy who want to destroy our town for an extra floor of profit, falsely testifying through fired former city planning director, without benefit of oath-taking. Spare us from greed. We love authenticity. Everywhere else in Florida is smeared, bleared and teared with ugly skyscrapers. We vote NO.