Saturday, January 06, 2018

St. Augustine Beach Commissioners Vote 3-2 to Curb Your Free Speech Rights

Tired of criticism of government officials, St. Augustine Beach Vice Mayor MARGARET ENGLAND, newly appointed Commissioner DONALD SAMORA and disgraced ex-Mayor RICHARD BURTT O'BRIEN voted  Saturday January 6, 2018 to limit public comment on agenda items to two minutes.

Their action was in response to newly-appointed Commissioner DONALD SAMORA's attack at his very first meeting last year.  SAMORA was supported for the gig by St. Augustine Vice Mayor TODD DAVID NEVILLE a/k/a "ODD TODD.".

Dissenting were new Mayor Undine Pawlowski George and Commissioner Maggie Kostka.

Commissioners had no factual or legal research -- it was a bare naked violation of First and Ninth Amendment rights.  Every single public comment speaker was against it.

Who benefits? (Cui Bono?





Enemies of free speech.

SAMORA must run for office this year if he wants to retain his seat.

Vice Chair MARGARET ENGLAND must run for re-eletion if she wants to retain her seat.

Mayor George must run for re-election if she wants to retain her seat.

The line of candidates opposed to SAMORA and ENGLAND has already formed.

Rosetta Bailey has filed to run against SAMORA (she filed for the seat last year, after Commissioner Sherman Gary Snodgrass told me he would  not run for re-election, and before he resigned.)

ROSETTA BAILEY is running against authoritarian Commissioner DONALD SAMORA

Here's the contact information for St. Augustine Beach Commissioners:


Portrait of Commissioner Rich O'Brien.Rich O'Brienex-Mayor/Commissioner(904)
Portrait of Commissioner Undine GeorgeUndine GeorgeMayor/Commissioner(904)
Commissioner Don SamoraDon SamoraCommissioner(904)
Portrait of Commissioner Maggie KostkaMaggie KostkaCommissioner(904)
Portrait of Commissioner Margaret EnglandMargaret EnglandVice Mayor/ Commissioner(904)

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