Wednesday, September 26, 2018

List of Fourteen (14) Action Items DELAYED By City Manager JOHN REGAN: IN HAEC VERBA

This is rank incompetence. What's the root cause? Is St. Augustine, Florida City Manager JOHN REGAN burned out? Is he ready to resign or retire? We need a national search to pick the next City Manager. No more good-ole-boy flummery, dupery, nincompoopery, waste, fraud, abuse, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance and no-bid contracts. Enough.

Mayor Nancy Shaver's list of fourteen (14) points neglected by St. Augustine City Manager JOHN PATRICK REGAN, P.E.: 

Action items for tracking—

    1. Vehicle for hire study presentation and workshop (from July 2017)- scheduled for December 4
    2. King Street Mobility opportunities
    3. Resiliency adaptation plan rollout plan
    4. Resiliency workshop presentation and update
    5. Inventory of city artifacts
    6. Assessment including resiliency score ( March 2019)
    7. Restaurant seating audit
    8. Code enforcement re-organization for better service
    9. Recycling strategy
    10. Blighted properties
    11. Landlord ordinance- safety etc
    12. Underground power update/FPL
    13. Sustainability initiative update
  1. Continuum of Care review


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