Sunday, December 03, 2023

Is St. Johns County Republican Party leadership divided between the "haves" and the "have yachts?"

St. Johns County Commission is all-Republican and has been ever since County Commission Districts were gerrymandered.  Every single vote in favor of overdevelopment, 2000-2023, has been by Republicans. 

As established by the 3-2 BoCC votes against a Public Housing Authority based on racist arguments, e.g., about "the kind of people" receiving HUD Section 8 Housing Vouchers, and against doing anything to curb deforestation, is it a fair statement that St. Johns County Republican Party leadership is divided between the "haves" and the "have yachts."


Edzilla said...

Yet they'll build houses for people who already have money all day long so yes this is a class based mindset. How that minimum wage increase law passed in this state is beyond my understanding. I guess it was becoming too obvious that too many people weren't making enough to live and that could eventually effect certain people politically. I'm sure there was more to it than that but with the likes of people such as Rick Scott and Billy the Bamboozler running around in Florida, I'm skeptical of any actual altruism being the biggest factor. Still no excuse for multi billion dollar companies in Florida waiting for laws to be passed to pay a greater share of profits to employees.

Anonymous said...

Peyton, Hutson, Higbee and all the other greedy GOP hogs and their puppets need to be stripped of all their power and influence for doing this to us

Anonymous said...

Honestly, they don't have a pot to piss in compared to the people who they shill for. They are patrons for the rich hoping they'll come here and flick them a couple dimes. They barely even tax them. Lower classes here are slave labor force and viewed as nothing. They do nothing to be able to claim to represent them.. only they represent themselves and the hogs.

Anonymous said...

statements made by commissioners have been condescending. Commissioner Joseph has been most dismissive of "those" people, wanting to put in place illegal restrictions on who can live in workforce housing. She had to settle for collecting data after the fact about who benefits. she looks down her nose at those who don't live in her wealthy district 4. her supporters continue to get up and rail against affordable housing for the people that would serve them in their restaurants and clean their homes. they should all be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

That's also what happens when people move to an area or are even from an area and just join whatever political party is dominant in the area without doing a "morality assessment" so to speak. Or just join a party that you feel could be in your class interests when in actuality that party is really not on a macro level. Really not in anyone's interests on a macro level.๐Ÿ˜†

Anonymous said...

Most people in the GOP would find a stray dog a home if they came across one. But human beings not so much. Something about human beings that the GOP has a problem with. The whole "what can you do for me" element comes into play and things like heathcare, housing, and opportunity aren't forthcoming if the answer to that question isn't "A lot."๐Ÿ˜† Did I mention that whatever you've previously done is quickly forgotten?๐Ÿ˜‚