With thanks to Bill Smirnow: "F-L-O-O-D. Let's call it what it is. You 'spill' a glass of water."
By that logic, the Oak Ridge, Tennessee mercury pollution we got declassified was not a "spill" either -- it was a "flood." (4.2 million pounds of mercury, the largest mercury pollution event in world history, bigger than Minimata in Japan).
We're going to hold sleazy politicians accountable for this spill, starting with "TARBALL," our reprobate Seventh Congressional District Representative JOHN MICA, a/k/a JOHN LUIGI MICA, an energumen who supports offshore oil drilling (and drilling in the Everglades National Park). His brother is Big Oil's head lobbyist in Florida, and MICA's son and daughter are lobbyists for oil and petrochemical interests, too.
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