Monday, January 19, 2009

No doubt as to the political perversions of, Historic City News and Their Running Hogs -- Racist, Sexist and Anti-Gay

Noticed recently that there's not been one word -- not one -- on or Historic City News and their running hogs on the gathering in the Slave Market Square tomorrow on the occasion of the inauguration of Barack Obama as President.

Wonder why? These anti-progressive snoots will be hiding under the covers that day, afraid of finally having a President who works for the people, not the plutocrats.

You've got to hand it to the City of St. Augustine, Officer STEVE FRICKE, St. Johns County Sheriff's former campaign manager MICHAEL GOLD and their KKK buddies -- they don't hide the fact that they're racist, homophobic thugs.

Why, the St. Augustine Police Department has a placque honoring former SAPD Chief and KKK member Virgil Stuart, who blamed 1964 on "outside agitators." has overtly racist, sexist, misogynist and homophobic content directed against public officials and citizens.

Now there's talk there will be "protests" to counter our community-wide celebration, with some of St. Augustine's putative "first families" and City minions reportedly involved.

Go ahead, make our day -- the bigger the "protest" the bigger the headline. Anyway, we'll just take your pictures and send them to Klan Watch and the FBI to update their intelligence files.

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