Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sheriff SHOAR and St. Johns County Republican "good-ole-boys" are good-for-nothing wastrels, weasels who "rip off taxpayers together."

Jon Margolis, former chief political reporter for the Chicago Tribune, wrote a profile of the over-rated HOWARD HENRY BAKER, JR. and his legendary conflicts of interest in East Tennessee. Margolis wrote about how these dull Republicans have so much in common, including enacting special interest legislation, and, Margolis wrote, "they rip off taxpayers together."

No-bid contracts are a no-brainer. My mother worked in purchasing for private companies and a county college. She taught me a lot about purchasing practices, which has informed my work in this regard since I investigated HOWARD HENRY BAKER, JR. and the TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY with a Fund for Investigative Journalism grant, helping lead to a GAO report concluding hundreds of millions of dollars were wasted by TVA.

No bid-contracts are a substantive evil. See below.

No one should not buy helicopters or uniforms or consulting services without competitive bidding.

So to the St. Johns County Sheriff and the Anastasia Mosquito Control Commission of St. Johns County and their no-bid purchases, we say, "KNOCK IT OFF. NOW."

Thank you.

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