Monday, May 17, 2010

Hatred on the St. Augustine WRecKord Website from Advocates of Wasting Money at Anastasia Mosquito Control of St. Johns County

Over on the WRecKord’s website, there’s some nasty jabs intended to chill, coerce and discourage First Amendment protected activity about mosquito control.
What do you reckon?
Sounds like some of the AMCD staff who were at the meeting Thursday are angry. So angry they can only lie, with trite tropes and illiteracy.
Why do the heathen rage?
Why do the heathen lie?
Why do the heathen rage and lie hiding behind the cloak of anonymity?
AMCD staff – and those are the only people besides Peter Guinta and I who viewed the photos – are angry.
So angry that they’re lying
They’re angry that their plans to waste taxpayers’ money on a brand-new building are dashed.
They’re angry that the public, once again, has been heard loud and clear.
First they wanted a no-bid $1.8 million Textron Bell Jet helicopter that was unadorned by tanks or a single gadget that could kill a single skeeter. We beat ‘em 5-0 in AMCD in August 2007, refuting all of their logic-chopping, which was not based on good science, but on emotions.
Then they wanted to construct a new building, costing Lord knows how many millions of dollars. Their arguments were based upon fear of hurricanes and the AMCD HQ supposedly falling apart. We beat them n May 13, 2010, refuting all of their logic-chopping, which was not based on science, math or accounting, but on emtions.
The Assistant Director’s position was eliminated by a vote 4-1 as a result of her lack of candor with the Board, including signing contracts wrote a $76,000 check without board approval for seeking permits (SJRWMD, DEP and St. Johns County) for a building that the Board has not approved.
The West Point graduate treated Board members like Colonel Oliver L. North treated Congres during the Iran-Contra scandal – like bothersome pests to be ignored and disobeyed. This was wrong.
The Anonymice (above) tend to be nasty, brutish, bullying, uncouth, unkind and untruthful.
They’re hostile to members of the public who come to speak to AMCD and other local government agencies.
They have hidden behind anonymity, spreading falsehoods.
We’ve lived in St. Augustine since 1999.
We’re not going away.
We’re not afraid of hierarchical, authoritarian political machines and the kind of rabid Republican political hacks who commit government waste, fraud, abuse, misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance here in Florida’s most corrupt county.
We’re unafraid of uninformed dogmatists and their snippy, snipping comments.
We have a right to expect our governments to obey the law.
“Anonymice” references to manifest injustice in the State of Tennessee are unpersuasive, as are the lies and the lying liars who tell them.
As EPA Inspector General Senior Special Agent Robert E. Tyndall (Retired) wrote about me in the St. Augustine Record in December 2007:
Letter: Slavin's work "saved" life of U.S. special agent

Published Sunday, December 10, 2006
Editor: I applaud your newspaper for defending Ed Slavin and the First Amendment. I could have told you that Ed is "brilliant." I am a retired former FBI Special Agent, and former senior Special Agent for both the HUD and EPA Inspectors General. One Sherman Antitrust case I supervised had 36 "defense" attorneys as my adversaries so I've known a lot of attorneys.
Late in my career, I would not and could not sign my name to a report that resulted in a cover-up of major criminal wrongdoing by highly placed EPA officials. I was left with no choice but to file an environmental whistleblower case. Other than Ed Slavin, I was encouraged to persist only by my wife, Lynda, Congressman John Dingell's office (whose investigator referred me to Ed Slavin), and then-journalist Tony Snow. Ed completely documented EPA's attempted cover-up of $100 million in acid rain research fraud, conflicts of interest, waste and abuse.
Ed represented me in my U.S. DOL environmental whistleblower case against EPA and its inspector general, winning a precedent-setting case that protected future environmental investigators' rights, reversing two DOL judges.
Ed has always been a fighter, especially against an unresponsive judiciary who cares little about ruined careers.
The unrelenting stress the EPA subjected me to nearly took my life. Thus, Ed's work was truly a life-saver. As a result of Ed's so-called "overzealous" work, the EPA IG abruptly resigned in December 1996, following a history of harassing whistleblowers.
Public officials, who retaliate against citizens for questioning their actions demand to be investigated. Public jobs belong to the "people" -- the occupant of such office is a trustee; a custodian -- always. We have forfeited our "rights" when we refer to the government as "them." No, never. It is "We" the people. Trust me, Ed Slavin is not for sale. The First Amendment is not dead, yet.
Robert E. Tyndall
Senior Special Agent (Retired)
Williamsburg, Va.

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