Monday, July 07, 2014

Rock the vote and rock the boat

Some say, "Don't rock the boat." It's our boat, by virtue of our American Revolution against tyranny, announced 238 years ago with the Declaration of Independence.
Read it.
We, The People will be heard.
St. Augustine, Florida voters want change.
Despite the will of the voters in successive elections, 2008-date, City Hall in St. Augustine still has overpaid hick hacks who do little or nothing, paid in the neighborhood of $100,000 per year.
What do they do all day?
Some, like Public Affairs Director PAUL WILLIAMSON, literally refuse to answer. No one makes them answer.
It sometimes seems that their job function is to be gargoyles. To be ugly. To be unfriendly.
It sometimes seems that their job function is to glare and stare at citizens who ask questions at public meetings, sitting at desks in the back of the meeting room with nothing to do, insulting citizens who ask government to be accountable.
They know who they are -- and they need to go.
Is City Manager John Regan unable to correct, direct, discipline or fire them because of pressures from Mayor BOLES to maintain the status quo?
You tell me.

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