Millionaire business owner LEONARD TRINCA is the friend, neighbor and campaign manager for St. Augustine Beach Mayor RICHARD BURTT O'BRIEN.
It was State's Attorney RALPH JOSEPH LARIZZA (Florida Bar No. 89745) who supposedly "investigated" the Michelle O'Connell shooting case for five months, then abruptly recused himself.
Chief Deputy Assistant State's Attorney CHRISTOPHER SCOTT FERREBEE (Florida Bar No. 15996) and Assistant State's Attorney VALERIY AVENESOV (Florida Bar No. 118070) kept Rose Bailey and husband Mark Bailey waiting for 30 minutes yesterday, then abruptly announced they were planning to drop the case.
Controversial four-county State's Attorney LARIZZA is a hick hack.
LARIZZA never prosecutes any influential Republicans, never investigates white collar crime and corruption, and is the current President of the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association for the next two years -- he refuses to read, follow or distribute the National Prosecution Standards of the National District Attorneys Association.
I asked LARIZZA to reverse the decision and prosecute the case personally. UPDATE: No response. So I've now asked him to recuse himself and request the Governor to appoint a special prosecutor. He did not respond. But Rosetta Bailey is pursuing justice -- see her letter to LARIZZA, below And I've written LARIZZA, with copies to the FBI, FDLE and Florida Supreme Court Inspector General, about his case-fixing.
As Winston Churchill said, "Never, never, never give up.
Read my letters to LARIZZA (below) and my prior coverage of the TRINCA case.
Seventh Circuit State's Attorney RALPH JOSEPH LARIZZA (Florida Bar No. 89745) with his corrupt buddy, St. Johns County High Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR,

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin
To: larizzar
Sent: Sat, Oct 28, 2017 5:38 pm
Subject: Re: CASE-FIXING, SEXISM AND INCIVILITY IN ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA STATE'S ATTORNEY'S OFFICE? -- State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca, 17000559MMMA -- St. Augustine Beach Mayor O'Brien's Campaign Manager Allegedly Assaulted Candidate Rosetta Bailey and State Attorney Larizza Won't Prosecute
Dear Mr. Larizza:
1. You never contacted Ms. Rosetta Bailey, the alleged victim of LEONARD PATRICK TRINCA's (St. Augustine Beach Mayor Richard O'Brien's campaign manager) and his alleged Election Day (November 8, 2016) battery at the St. Augustine Beach City Hall polling place. Why did you refuse to meet with or speak with Ms. Bailey?2. Instead, our Clerk of Court's online records reflect that our Seventh Circuit State's Attorney office yesterday (October 27, 2017) filed a Nolle Prosequi, dismissing this case without trial or plea bargain. Why?3. You ignored Ms. Bailey's request (below) to meet with you -- you neither met with the crime victim nor shared that Nolle Prosequi document with her. Why? 4. That document cannot yet be viewed on the Clerk's website, but I have requested that it be disclosed.
1. You never contacted Ms. Rosetta Bailey, the alleged victim of LEONARD PATRICK TRINCA's (St. Augustine Beach Mayor Richard O'Brien's campaign manager) and his alleged Election Day (November 8, 2016) battery at the St. Augustine Beach City Hall polling place. Why did you refuse to meet with or speak with Ms. Bailey?2. Instead, our Clerk of Court's online records reflect that our Seventh Circuit State's Attorney office yesterday (October 27, 2017) filed a Nolle Prosequi, dismissing this case without trial or plea bargain. Why?3. You ignored Ms. Bailey's request (below) to meet with you -- you neither met with the crime victim nor shared that Nolle Prosequi document with her. Why? 4. That document cannot yet be viewed on the Clerk's website, but I have requested that it be disclosed.
5. Please explain yourself.
6. Please apologize to Ms. Bailey and to her husband for your staff's behavior. See below.
7. Please explain your refusal to follow NDAA's National Prosecution Standards.
8. You have the right to remain silent, but I wish you wouldn't.
9. Please call me to discuss this case and sexism, misogyny and corruption.
10. The appearance of favoritism, prejudice and case-fixing here in St. Johns County is indefensible, and must be ended at once.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin <>
To: larizzar <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 27, 2017 12:55 pm
Subject: SEXISM AND INCIVILITY IN ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA STATE'S ATTORNEY'S OFFICE? -- State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca, 17000559MMMA -- St. Augustine Beach Mayor O'Brien's Campaign Manager Allegedly Assaulted Candidate Rosetta Bailey and State Attorney Larizza Won't Prosecute
From: Ed Slavin <>
To: larizzar <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 27, 2017 12:55 pm
Subject: SEXISM AND INCIVILITY IN ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA STATE'S ATTORNEY'S OFFICE? -- State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca, 17000559MMMA -- St. Augustine Beach Mayor O'Brien's Campaign Manager Allegedly Assaulted Candidate Rosetta Bailey and State Attorney Larizza Won't Prosecute
Dear Mr. Larizza:
1. I am mystified by the manner in which your subordinates mishandled this misdemeanor battery case, where the St. Augustine Beach Mayor's campaign manager shoved his election opponent at the City Hall polling place on Election Day (November 8, 2016). . See below.
1. I am mystified by the manner in which your subordinates mishandled this misdemeanor battery case, where the St. Augustine Beach Mayor's campaign manager shoved his election opponent at the City Hall polling place on Election Day (November 8, 2016). . See below.
2. If you have any sense of decency, sir, you will agree today to meet with Ms. Rosetta Bailey, who wrote you earlier. See Ms. Rosetta Bailey's letter, and my e-mails, below.
3. How would you feel if it were your mother (or your wife or your daughter or your sister) who was shoved by Defendant LEONARD TRINICA at her polling place on Election Day?
4. How would you feel if your prosecutors behaved toward one of them as they did to Ms. Bailey --
A. Refusing to meet with her before her deposition, inexplicably rejecting her reasonable request?B. Forbidding her to tape her own deposition, agreeing with defense counsel, unsupported by any legal authority?C. Making only one (1) objection during her entire deposition and adopting a passive attitude?D. Keeping her in the dark about the status of her case?E. Dropping (of "fixing") the case as a result of straining to find "reasonable doubt" based on: (a) misreading of one deposition, and (b) three (3) unreliable inadmissible hearsay affidavits from three (3) rival politicians (provided by the zealous defense attorneys for the defendant millionaire businessman campaign manager, neighbor and friend of St. Augustine Beach Mayor Richard Burtt O'Brien)?
4. Our St. Johns County law enforcement is all too often sexist and misogynist, as was exemplified by your office's mishandling of the September 2, 2010 shooting death of Michelle O'Connell in the home of St. Johns County Sheriff's Deputy Jeremy Banks, with his service weapon, a case that will always live in infamy and remains a stench in the nostrils of our Nation (thanks to dogged investigative reporting by three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Walt Bogdanich and The New York Times). See, e.g.:
5. Enough. Early next week, before the November 3, 2017 docket call before Judge Christine, will you please meet with Ms. Rosetta Bailey, the crime victim you were elected and sworn to protect?
___ Yes
___ No
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
-----Original Message-----
From: Rosetta V. Bailey <>
To: easlavin <>; larizzar <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 27, 2017 11:48 am
Subject: Re: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca, 17000559MMMA -- St. Augustine Beach Mayor O'Brien's Campaign Manager Allegedly Assaulted Candidate Rosetta Bailey and State Attorney Larizza Won't Prosecute
From: Rosetta V. Bailey <>
To: easlavin <>; larizzar <>
Sent: Fri, Oct 27, 2017 11:48 am
Subject: Re: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca, 17000559MMMA -- St. Augustine Beach Mayor O'Brien's Campaign Manager Allegedly Assaulted Candidate Rosetta Bailey and State Attorney Larizza Won't Prosecute
Mr. Larizzar,
I would appreciate a meeting to discuss this matter that involved my physical encounter with Leonard Patrick Trinca on election day 11/8/2016
Thank you for consideration.
Rosetta Bailey
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin
To: larizzar
Sent: Thu, Oct 26, 2017 1:16 pm
Subject: Re: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca, 17000559MMMA -- St. Augustine Beach Mayor O'Brien's Campaign Manager Allegedly Assaulted Candidate Rosetta Bailey and State Attorney Larizza Won't Prosecute
Dear Mr. Larizza:
1. May I suggest that you kindly recuse yourself?
1. May I suggest that you kindly recuse yourself?
2. Will you please ask Florida Governor Richard Scott to appoint a special prosecutor for this case, involving battery of a woman political candidate at a polling place by her opponent's campaign manager?
3. That would help solve the problems created by your St. Augustine staff.
4. Please call me for an interview to discuss our State's Attorney office's behavior toward the battery victim, St. Augustine Beach City Commission candidate Ms. Rosetta Bailey.Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin <
To: larizzar <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 25, 2017 3:05 pm
Subject: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca, 17000559MMMA -- St. Augustine Beach Mayor O'Brien's Campaign Manager Allegedly Assaulted Candidate Rosetta Bailey and State Attorney Larizza Won't Prosecute
To: larizzar <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 25, 2017 3:05 pm
Subject: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca, 17000559MMMA -- St. Augustine Beach Mayor O'Brien's Campaign Manager Allegedly Assaulted Candidate Rosetta Bailey and State Attorney Larizza Won't Prosecute
Dear Mr. Larizza:
1.Why does our Florida Seventh Circuit State's Attorney office say it is dropping charges against criminal Defendant Leonard Patrick Trinca, after apparently failing to consult the St. Augustine Beach Police Department? (See SABPD e-mail, below).
2. Criminal Defendant Leonard Patrick Trinca, who was St. Augustine Beach Mayor Richard Burtt O'Brien's campaign manager, allegedly assaulted Ms. Rosetta Bailey, who was Mayor O'Brien's opponent, on Election Day (November 8, 2016) at the St. Augustine Beach City Hall polling place. SABPD brought charges. Yet your office is not even obtaining a plea bargain. Why?
3. Your office failed to prepare the victim for her deposition, rejecting her request for a meeting. Why?
4. Your office assigned an inexperienced attorney who lacks empathy. Why?
5. He told the victim to "tear up" the paperwork on the November 3 docket call and not to attend a public hearing. Why?
6. He relied on inadmissible unreliable affidavit hearsay from Mayor O'Brien, ex-Mayor Andrea Samuels, et ux in refusing to do its job. Why?
7. Your office has sent a threatening message debasing our political process, empowering connected bullies like Leonard Patrick Trinca to throw their weight around and harass, intimidate, and terrorize our political candidates at polling places. Why?
8. Please call me for an interview. I left a message for you yesterday morning with the receptionist in your St. Augustine office (after your staff treated Mr. & Mrs. Bailey with disdain and disrespect, after making them wait for 30 minutes.)
9. Please show cause to County Court Judge Alexander Christine for your desuetude of law enforcement in this case at the November 3, 2017 docket call, in open court, with time for Ms. Bailey to be heard.
10. Kindly consider reversing your St. Augustine office staff's repeated errors and prosecute this case personally.
11. The stain of corruption in St. Johns County is indefensible, and must be ended at once. The whole world is watching us as a result of the Michelle O'Connell case. See, e.g.:
12. From this day forward, will you please agree to comply with the National Prosecution Standards adopted by the National District Attorneys Association?
___ Yes
___ No
13. You've repeatedly stated in e-mails to me that you don't have a copy and won't follow NDAA's National Prosecution Standards. Why?
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
-----Original Message-----
From: Kathi Harrell <>
To: Ed Slavin <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 25, 2017 11:54 am
Subject: RE: Request No. 2017-601: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca

From: Kathi Harrell <>
To: Ed Slavin <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 25, 2017 11:54 am
Subject: RE: Request No. 2017-601: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca
After a reasonable review, the St. Augustine Beach Police department has found no records responsive to your request.
Kathi M. Harrell
Administrative Lieutenant
St. Augustine Beach Police Department
2300 A1A South
St. Augustine Beach, Fl 32080
904-471-3600 Fax 904-471-0737

LEGAL NOTIFICATION: Florida Sunshine Statutes entail very broad public records
requirements (F. S. 119). As required by law, all e-mails to and from the St. Augustine Beach Police Department are subject to public record. Your e-mail
communications, including your e-mail address may be disclosed to the public and media at any time. If you have received this communication in error, do not
distribute it. Please notify the sender immediately by electronic mail and delete.
From: Robert Hardwick
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 4:41 PM
To: Kathi Harrell <>
Cc: Thomas Ashlock <>
Subject: FW: Request No. 2017-601: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca
To: Kathi Harrell <>
Cc: Thomas Ashlock <>
Subject: FW: Request No. 2017-601: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca
From: Ed Slavin []
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Robert Hardwick <>
Subject: Request No. 2017-601: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Robert Hardwick <>
Subject: Request No. 2017-601: State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca
Dear Chief Hardwick:
Please send me any documents on any SABPD contacts with the Seventh Circuit State's Attorney office on its questionable decision to drop the case of State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca (assault on City Commission candidate Rosetta Bailey on Election Day, November 8, 2016 at St. Augustine Beach City Hall. Were you consulted?
Please send me any documents on any SABPD contacts with the Seventh Circuit State's Attorney office on its questionable decision to drop the case of State of Florida v. Leonard Patrick Trinca (assault on City Commission candidate Rosetta Bailey on Election Day, November 8, 2016 at St. Augustine Beach City Hall. Were you consulted?
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
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