Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Scott Watch kicks off with Spanish-language ad slamming Rick Scott (Jacob Ogles, Florida Politics)

Time's up for rich health care conman and corporate pirate, lawyer RICHARD LYNN SCOTT.  It's time. for him to go.  From Florida Politics:

Scott Watch kicks off with Spanish-language ad slamming Rick Scott 

Jacob Ogles, Florida Politics

April 8, 2024

Progress Florida and Florida Watch announced the effort to spotlight actions by the Republican incumbent.

A pair of progressive organizations just launched a new initiative tracking Sen. Rick Scott’s statements and actions.

Progress Florida and Florida Watch’s Scott Watch comes as the Naples incumbent comes up for re-election in November.

“Throughout his time as a self-serving politician, Sen. Rick Scott has consistently focused on his own ambitions for higher office and the needs of his corporate elite friends and donors ahead of the people of Florida,” Scott Watch Communications Director Anders Croy said.

The effort kicks into gear with Spanish-language ads blasting Scott on South Florida radio airwaves. The first ad, “Protección,” begins running Monday in South Florida on Radio Mambi and Actualidad Radio during morning and afternoon drive times.

The script for the one-minute spot features a conversation at a restaurant between a waiter and a customer concerned about her benefits.

“Some politicians, including our own Senator, Rick Scott, want to put Social Security and Medicare at risk,” the customer says in Spanish. “Scott doesn’t understand what life is like for workers and seniors like us.”

“Oh my God! They take it out of my paycheck, and I may not get it in my retirement?” the waiter replies.

The attack is based on the “Rescue America” plan Scott released ahead of the 2022 Midterm while heading the National Republican Senatorial Committee. It included a call to review all federal programs after five years and sunset those that aren’t working.

Critics seized on the plan as an attack on Social Security and Medicare. Scott said that wasn’t his intent and revised his plan multiple times to make clear he did not want those programs subject to the same review.

The radio ad also knocks Scott for voting to give tax cuts to the “rich and powerful” while leaving working Floridians, “including Latinos,” to fend for themselves. It closes with a call to action for voters to complain at Scott’s official Senate website.

The campaign’s organizers said they want to send a message to Spanish-speaking voters.

“While self-serving politicians like Rick Scott make hollow promises to our Latino communities, the reality on the ground is that his plans put our economic security at risk,” Scott Watch Latino Constituency Communications Director Lisa Zayas said.

“We need elected officials who will fight for workers and seniors who are counting on the fact that the promises made to them of a secure retirement won’t be broken by people like Rick Scott. For Latinos who have worked so hard to achieve their version of the American Dream, it is time that we stand up to politicians who say one thing to our faces but turn their backs on us when the time comes to follow through.”

Croy said that’s the overall mission of the Scott Watch effort.

“From the Panhandle to the Keys, Floridians work hard and they deserve to know they will be able to pay the bills, have a secure retirement, and build a better life for themselves and their families,” he said. “Rick Scott’s plans to give more tax cuts to the wealthy, end Social Security and Medicare as we know it, and institute a national abortion ban put those dreams at risk.

“At Scott Watch, we’ll work to ensure that Floridians are informed of the ways in which the Senator is failing them on his self-serving quest for power in Washington, D.C.”

Listen to the ad in Spanish below:

Jacob Ogles

Jacob Ogles has covered politics in Florida since 2000 for regional outlets including SRQ Magazine in Sarasota, The News-Press in Fort Myers and The Daily Commercial in Leesburg. His work has appeared nationally in The Advocate, Wired and other publications. Events like SRQ’s Where The Votes Are workshops made Ogles one of Southwest Florida’s most respected political analysts, and outlets like WWSB ABC 7 and WSRQ Sarasota have featured his insights. He can be reached at jacobogles@hotmail.com.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Just remember these stinking Republicans are responsible for the fact that the average Joe can't make it anymore. In the 40's, 50's, and 60's, two people without education could easily afford housing and everything. That wasn't because of "Reganomics" and handling every penny one makes to people like Trump. The greed and the gearing of the economic system in favor of the rich has everyone else less well off. People aren't thinking about other people only themselves. People with money want to keep it and gain more regardless of who suffers as a consequence. They don't care about the next generation, other people's well-being, societies well-being, and too polluted by faulty ideology to understand the solutions and their benefits. Thank you stupid conservatives for unaffordable housing and everything else for that matter. The hands of the market, non-governance mentality has brought us high prices and 6 million people on some kind of supervision or behind bars. Jesus would not be pleased with their ignorance, greed, and stupidity.