Thursday, July 09, 2009

AMCD Director's Response on Aerial Organophosphate (OP) Pesticide Spraying (Dibrom/Naled) on 103,000 Acres of St. Johns County, Florida Xue\

Dear Ed:
Thank you very much for your message. We have arranged the related employees for the test already. Kay told me she sent the spraying map and some data to you by fax. District Attorney told me that he would like to answer your questions.
We do have the same goal/mission to reduce and limit the pesticide usage. I DO NOT like/want to use any kind of pesticides for mosquito and mosquito-borne disease control if I can do it. I have used my last 31 years to search for the pesticide alternative methods like biocontrol (8-10 years), natural or botanic insecticides/repellents, control traps, source reduction, and have done my best efforts to reduce/limit pesticide use, such as toxic baits and bait stations, barrier treatments (spots & target treatments), mosquito magnets, promoting public education for personal and community protection, natural repellents and larvicides. But it was very difficult to control the mosquito situation when the mosquito peaks occur and disease threats. I have to consider to use the powerful pesticides like other districts to quickly control the situation and to protect majority of the citizens after I failed with other methods/pesticides. Since I joined the AMCD, the pesticide application has been greatly reduced and the pesticide application has more standards/justification for use. The district arranged the spraying after receiving any kind of service requests before. I have requested the inspectors/sprayers to visit/inspect the residential area and make the justification and conduct education first, empty any breeding containers, checking the landing rate counts after we received the service requests for spraying. Use of any kind of pesticides is the last choice after other methods failed. Our employees get more education about how to use pesticides and use pesticides properly.
I am really appreciate your support and help. If you have any good suggestion, please let me know. Let us work together to make the St. Johns County more safe for living.
Best regards,

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