
You've got to hand it to the St. Augustine WRecKord. Its MORRIS PUBLISHING owners paid 36 cents on the dollar, escaping hundreds of millions of dollars of bondholder debt. The WRecKOrd's Reichwing Republican owners don't feel particularly obligated to cover the news, having lost money for years on coverup-prone newspapers that are lickspittles and toadies for Republicans. They print Ann Coulter every week and refused to bring us the news that Barack Obama was President on their front page in 2008. They refused to report the four year prison sentence of Republican Bernard Kerik (at all).
So, mirabile dictu, when the Police were called to a contretemps at a Republican Executive Committee meeting, the WRecKord (Peter Guinta) was called too. Not one word about the event was ever published in the St. Augustine Record.
If you're looking for the news, you'll have to read the Liberty Caucus report, below, because Republicans don't let non-Republicans attend their meetings.
What do you reckon?
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