Friday, July 01, 2011

The whole world is watching St. Augustine, FLorida

The whole world is watching St. Augustine.

Our 450th birthday promises to show off St. Augustine’s history and nature to the world and help make permanent improvements in our City for all residents and visitors .

Our City is healing from self-inflicted wounds of the past.

The truth is winning over “the people of the lie.”

Environmental Justice, Equality and Liberty have defeated pollution and bigotry.

This Clean Up City of St. Augustine blog has played its small part since April 2006, with a mere 5002 blog posts, 243,517 page views and 170,580 visits from around town and around the world (probably half the total of views and visits due to the nature of site measurement software).

In the words of the Fleetwood Mac song:

Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone.

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