Sunday, May 25, 2014

St. Johns County Political Machine's Continuing Coverup of September 2, 2010 Shooting of Michelle O'Connell: Still Waiting on Messrs PATRICK McCORMACK, MICHAEL WANCHICK and WILLIAM YOUNG

Who is working to get information from the utility backup tape that contains the 24 hourly water use readings for 4700 Sherlock Place for September 2, 2010? Our County Attorney, County Attorney and County Utilities Director must be awakened from other tedious torpor and their extreme indifference to the value of human life, and truth itself.
The backup tape must be accessed and the information must provided. The feeble denial that they could not find the information did not fathom that we know for a fact there is a backup tape, and as Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR's IT person once told Patty O"Connell, "nothing ever goes away" in the computer world. Get us the data. Now.
Otherwise, these three gentlemen must be haled by the FBI before a federal grand jury.
Deputy JEREMY BANKS was described by other deputies as smelling like "a fresh shower" that night but told FDLE he had not showered. Apparently, the Sheriff and FDLE never obtained the water use records for the house.
Apparently, St. Johns County, its Administrator and its Sheriff have a backward-bending labor supply curve when it comes to responding to records requests on the O'Connell case. They're slow and they are lazy.
The coverup must end now.

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