Photo credit: Flagler Live
Our outlandish local U.S. Rep. RONALD DEON DeSANTIS, 37 (R-6th Congressional District, Ponte Vedra/Koch Industries), candidate for United States Senate, finally must answer to the Federal Elections Commission for his crooked book deal. See below. As the Pulitzer Prize winning Tampa Bay Times' political editor, Adam C. Smith noted, the complaint was filed "a month late."
No one from St. Johns County Democratic Executive Committee, or from the District bothered to file. Wonder why?
Too close to Sheriff DAVID SHOAR (under FBI investigation). Is Rep. DeSANTIS part of Sheriff SHOAR's stable of whores?
Thankfully, the complaint was filed by Pinellas County Young Democrats leader Nicolas Carper.
Thank you!
Ironically, the book purports to invoke the words of our Founding Fathers, who warned in Federalist Papers No. 10 about "factions," of which the special interests for whom DeSANTIS is pimping are the worst example seen in our Republic since 1789.
At 37, DeSANTIS is younger than some of my clothing. (I own and still wear a ski jacket purchased on sale in Georgetown in 1975).
DeSANTIS is former Yale baseball team captain, a graduate of Harvard Law School, who attacks his alma maters as Communistic.
What a dirtbag.
Rep. DeSANTIS misstated his military record when he ran for Congress in 2012.
In 2014, Reprobate DeSANTIS tried to run away from me at the St. Johns County Administration Building and Taj Mahal after a League of Women Voters Forum. Yes. Disgusting developer-driven DeSantis tried to run away without engaging me on the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore, about which I met with his maladroit staff (including a Ponte Vedra personal trainer), who never got back to me. What an insult to our District. For more, please read about the proposal, first proposed by Senator Claude Pepper and Mayor Walter Fraser in 1939. www.staugustgreen.com
Reparbative Republican reprobate U.S. Representative RONALD DION DeSANTIS (a/k/a "INCICATUS), former JAG Corps lawyer, former corporate lawyer, hobbledehoy in the Koch Brother's employ) is not unlike an alien implant in our county. His wife is a First Coast News television news "personality." He is a shill for the ruling classes, seeking a United States Senate seat.
Roman Emperor Caligula allegedly and reportedly sent his horse, INCICATUS (Latin for "swift" or "at full gallop") to the Roman Senate, circa 37-41 A.D. as a prank or to provoke the Senators and show that an animal could do their jobs.
Seriously, I can't imagine the dull, dopey, deceptive dupey RON DeSANTIS ever being elected to the United States Senate.
Gladstone called the United States Senate "the greatest deliberative body in the world." Electing DeSANTIS would be like electing the moneybags in that wonderful political cartoon we all saw in high school, in the context of the Seventeenth Amendment to our United States Constitution (direct election of Senators, ending the pernicious practices, ending the practice of rich guys bribing legialtgors for Senate seats).
RON DeSANTIS is as bought-and-paid for a lugubrious goober as ever made a chair squeak in the United States House of Representatives.
As my mother would say, RON DeSANTIS "stinks on ice."
RON DeSANTIS is other-directed and has done nothing for our St. Augustine community our our Florida Sixth Congressional District.
RON DeSANTIS is a typical MEPublican narcissist, a Wall Street oligarchy directed Tea Party nut. Hope the FEC and DOJ nail him. He's anti-worker and pro-corporate, a for-sale hireling of the ruling classes and Wall Street.
Let horse's ass RON DeSANTIS (a/k/a Sheriff DAVID SHOAR's INCICATUS) retire under a cloud and find new life as a prostitute on K Street, along with the rest of his ex-Congressional ilk bilkers of the public fisc.
Our FBI, federal prosecutors and Federal Elections Commission will provide Rep. DeSANTIS with due process.
Then, K Street lobbyists can provide St. Johns County's disgraced soon-to-be ex-Rep. RON DeSANTIS the requisite marble stable and jewels that Emperor Caligula gave to his horse, INCITATUS.
A similar book deal doomed U.S. House Speaker JAMES WRIGHT in 1989.
A month late, Democratic activist files FEC complaint about Ron DeSantis' book
Adam C. Smith
Tampa Bay Times Political Editor
Friday, January 15, 2016 2:37pm
Ron DeSantis published his book in 2011
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron DeSantis has been generous in giving voters and GOP activists copies of his self-published book, "Dreams from our Founding Fathers: First Principles in the age of Obama," which spells out the northeast Florida congressman's faith in the founding fathers and lack thereof in President Obama. The Buzz has a signed edition proudly displayed on our bookshelf, next to our Bill Clinton cork screw and Jesse Pinklman meth cook action figure.
Well, this week a Democratic activist from Pinellas Park has filed a complaint against the DeSantis campaign, accusing it of failing to properly account for the books on his campaign finance reports. As these books are items of value that are being used by the campaign in the process of influencing a federal election, I respectfully ask that the Commission investigate this violation," said Nicolas Carper, a supporter of Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Patrick Murphy and leader of the Pinellas County Young Democrats.
But it seems Carper's complaint may be tardy. Last month, the DeSantis campaign filed an amended report with the FEC, reporting that DeSantis had given his campaign $2,500 worth of books as an in-kind contribution.
"It's obvious that Patrick Murphy and his liberal allies are concerned about Congressman DeSantis's campaign," said DeSantis campaign spokesman Brad Herold. "This frivolous complaint just proves that they are desperate to distract from his record of supporting Barack Obama on issues like the Iran Deal, that have made our country less safe and secure."
[Last modified: Friday, January 15, 2016 8:50pm]

We'd like to formally invite you to:
"Murder in the First!: Trial on February 27 De Santis to Prosecute
Obama, University Presidents Co-Defendants in Cold Blooded Murder of the First Amendment"
More details are here:
Sounds like a laugh riot. Homophobic co-star will keep us in stitches.
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