"Does Aunt Ginny have a barn? We can hold the trial there.
I can sew the costumes, and maybe his Uncle Goober can be the judge."
-- Tom Cruise, as Navy JAG Corps LT. (J.G.) Daniel Allisstair Kaffee
in Aaron Sorkin's 1992 film, A Few Good Men.

Photo credit: Flagler Live
Our outlandish local U.S. Rep. RONALD DEON DeSANTIS, 37 (R-6th Congressional District, Ponte Vedra/Koch Industries), candidate for United States Senate, finally must answer to the Federal Elections Commission for his crooked book deal. See below. As the Pulitzer Prize winning Tampa Bay Times' political editor, Adam C. Smith noted, the complaint was filed "a month late."
Amidst an FEC investigation and possible criminal probes, DeSANTIS and the St. Johns County Republican Party issued this announcement:
By: St. Johns County Republican Party
Event Description
Murder in the First!: Trial on February 27 De Santis to Prosecute
Obama, University Presidents Co-Defendants in Cold Blooded Murder of the First Amendment
The Republican Party of St. Johns County invites the public to a trial of The Obama Administration, and University Presidents for pre meditated murder of the First Amendment to take place on Saturday February 27, at 7:30 PM. Venue to be announced later this week. Congressman Ron DeSantis will prosecute, calling inflammatory hick hack homophobic Gay marriage opponent Mat Staver, President of Liberty Counsel, and smug but not superior opponent of diversity Dr. Peter Wood President the National Association of Scholars as chief witlesses in DeSantis' witch hunt kangaroo court.
Congressman DeSantis said today: “The prosecution will demonstrate that the Obama Administration, in a conspiracy with the Office of the Attorney General, the IRS and the Department of Education have murdered Freedom of Religion and Free Speech. We will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this conspiracy is far reaching and premeditated. As we speak, the Attorney General of the United States has announced that she will prosecute anyone who says anything negative about Islam in direct violation of the First Amendment.”
Mat Staver says: “Civil liberties are God-given, inalienable and self-evident. Religious freedom predates civil government and the United States Constitution. The fight for religious freedom is a battle for the heart and soul of our nation. If we lose our religious freedom, then we have lost America to tyranny. The wrongful imprisonment of Kim Davis for standing up for her Christian faith is a case in point.”
Dr. Peter Wood, in a statement today said: “Carol Swain at Vanderbilt was threatened with firing because she wrote about the threat of Radical Islam. Today, only the views of the Left are considered free speech.”
Bill Korach, Chairman of the Republican Party of St. Johns says: “Our First Amendment Rights-Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion are under attack by the Obama Administration, and campus administrator are no longer teaching, they are indoctrinating.”
The audience will be “member of the jury” and vote! Don’t miss the “trial of the century” order your tickets today. A VIP event will be held at 6:30 to meet Congressman DeSantis, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, Dr. Peter Wood of the National Association of Scholars, and Malcolm Anthony.
Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 7:30 PM to 11:30 PM (EST)
TBA - 3149 US-1 South St Augustine, FL 32084
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