From St. Augustine Report:
Harbor modified PUD needs modifying
2020 is not the same as 2004 in St. Augustine. 

In 2004 the city sold its property at King Street and US 1 for an approved development plan with great community fanfare that we would get a first-class hotel, more housing and most of all, a needed parking garage at our western entrance.
Fifteen years later a parade of residents led by the Lincolnville neighborhood appeared before the city's Planning and Zoning Board Tuesday to decry traffic, over-development and environmental impacts in a developer's proposal to amend an existing planned unit development (PUD) plan.
The plan will have to return to the board March 3 after addressing more than a dozen concerns by plan board members.
Find the list prepared by city Senior Planer Patrick Doty here.
The property owner, SA Marina Holdings, LLC, an extension of the group that renovated the San Marco Inn into a Doubletree, presented a plan for a hotel, residential units, a marina, retail/commercial space and two parking garages.
The developer said he reduced the number of hotel rooms from 225 to 167 and commercial space from 36,000 to 26,050 square feet to reduce traffic impact, changed 85 condo units to 165 multi-family units for needed housing, and removed previously proposed 75- and 90-foot towers - all in an effort to respond to community concerns.
Sue Agresta, a former plan board chair and Lincolnville Neighborhood Association president, said in frustration after Tuesday's three-hour hearing and discussion, "I wish there was a Plan C."
City Planner Patrick Doty's list of PZB member concerns:
Planning and Zoning Board concerns with proposed amendment to Sebastian Inland Harbor Planned Unit Development
- Relocation of the access from Riberia to Sebastian Harbor Drive.
- Provide clearer details of a complete streetscape within the PUD Text and coordinate with Public Works to
get the details more clearly defined, including a focus on promoting bicycle and pedestrian oriented
connectivity/travel. - Provide language that will limit the use of the proposed multi-family housing to prohibit use as short term rentals, adding language that the apartment must have a minimum length lease term (6 months was suggested).
- Provide clarification of the multi-family housing intended use (leased apartments, condominium, etc.)
- Redesign the Riverwalk to accommodate pedestrian traffic between Riberia Street, Sebastian Harbor Drive and King Street.
- Provide renderings that show the development in context of existing development; adjust the scaling to the area, and adjust the massing of the buildings, and viewshed access renderings.
- Clarify the roadway drainage improvements that were agreed to at the meeting to accommodate the stormwater drainage that comes from Sebastian Harbor Drive.
- Provide maximum heights of each proposed structure.
- Update the parking section to detail the minimum 636 parking spaces proposed at the hearing.
- Address how employee parking will be accommodated on-site.
- Provide updated language that designates HARB/CRC review for buildings subject to the King Street Entry Corridor Standards.
- Provide clarification in the Text and attachments regarding the “Public Facility Impact Analysis.”
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