Thursday, September 07, 2023

St. Johns County Commission approves large neighborhood off Greenbriar Road. (First Coast News)

Only one Commissioner stood up for our rights against overdevelopment, a new massive project bu PULTE HOMES. No response to my research about e-mail destruction and environmental violations by PULTE, which is the third largest real estate development company's litigation history. No background investigation by our oxyoornoic "Growth Management (sic) Department. 

 Four out of five Commnissioners are willing scccomplices to overdevelopment. Chsirmsn CHRISTIAN WHITEEHURT, an uneducated, unsophisticated former football player, took it upon himself to run interference when Commissioner Krista Keating Joseph asked valid questions about the credibiity of public hearing witnesses. 

Unqualified uncouth SJC BoCC Chairman WHITEHURST ignored citizen questions, while trying to stimgatize Commissioner Joseph for asking about which public hearing witnesses worked for PULTE or other developers. Two PULTE witnesses testifed, called by ROGERS TOWERS partner ELLEN AVERY-SMITH: he did not swear in either of the two self-serving witnesses. 

That's he way it is, under one-party rule by developer-directed County Commissioners.

Enough flummery, dupery and nincompoopery on the SJC BoCC.

From First Coast News: 

Discussions over a large proposed neighborhood caused drama during a St. Johns County Commission meeting this week.


Anonymous said...

Yeah more expensive homes for people WHO ALREADY HAVE MONEY. Suffice to say they believe in trickle down economics in St. John's County. Bring money from out of county and it will trickle down to those who don't already have money. Opportunity not so much for those who don't already have money that they got from somewhere else. Maybe students who graduate with advanced degrees will enter the "restaurant and tourism industry" or "retail industry" and jump on that grenade. Alternative would be to go work for Bill McClure. More than likely though if they have any sense they'll leave after school. County hopes that they come back after they've made money elsewhere and participate in SJC trickle down economics once again. Money from elsewhere trickling down on SJC.

Anonymous said...

They're saying, "Damn, I'm priced out and maxed out on taxes?" Well yeah, this is hyper capitalism babydoll. Richest county number four or something like that. What did you expect when you own a big house or four houses because you thought you'd make a dime or put your cash in assets and be responsible for the lack of affordable housing and inflation? That's your "free market" doing that while you complain about "creeping communism."😆

Anonymous said...

I have "a business" and have 3 employees who get paid $12 an hour. Please cut my taxes.😭