Saturday, April 06, 2024

Pasco County threatens legal action over ‘unconstitutional’ affordable housing tax exemption. (WFLA)

St. Johns County Commissioners discussed a possible declaratory judgment action and possible one-year moratorium in response to the Live Local Act's unfunded mandate, and continuing overdevelopment of our county, which is choking on rubber-stamped tract home developments and massive clearcutting of our forests, a crime against nature.  From WFLA:  

Pasco County threatens legal action over ‘unconstitutional’ affordable housing tax exemption

1 comment:

Joe said...

Republicans want to make sure that class divisions and geographic divisions by wealth and income happen.. and they run their policies through that filter. A retail worker is not a worker in their minds.. just some bum who got lucky enough to get a job. You aren't a worker in the eyes of a Republican until you make at least $60,000 a year. In other words, until you are able to get into debt for the rest of your life from buying a home in one of their ant colonies you aren't human being.