Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Letter: Terry broke laws trying to save lives

Letter: Terry broke laws trying to save lives

Frances O'Connell
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 01/07/09

Editor: In the Dec. 28 "Where are they now'' column, I read about Pro-Life Activist Randall Terry and that he has been arrested several times at abortion protests. I do not believe we should break the law, for most laws are in place to protect the innocent and the people of our country. However, where is the same so-called justice when it comes to protecting unborn, helpless, innocent lives? For inside the chambers of the abortuaries where Terry was trying to protect these same lives, babies were violently put to death.

Since the Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973 legalizing abortion an estimated 50 million tiny, helpless victims of abortion have lost their God-given lives. This is the law of the land and this is what is criminal. Our country has suffered a great loss.

Our country has abandoned the values it was built on, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. Not just for those who decide who lives and who dies.

What is next? Infanticide? Partial birth abortion is akin to infanticide. Currently there is a Supreme Court ban on this horrific procedure. If President-elect Barack Obama signs the proposed "Freedom of Choice Act'' as he has promised, all protection for the unborn will be lost and will cause chaos in this country.

There are few people with the courage to try to rescue innocent, vulnerable lives. Each of us have to examine our own conscience and look into our own heart and soul to determine what we have done to stop the culture of death that has swept our country.

Frances O'Connell

St. Augustine

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