Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Morris Communications' St. Augustine Record Advanced the Cause of Terrorist Randall Terry, Fired Political Cartoonist, Faces Declining Circulation.

Peter Guinta wrote more lovingly about Randall Terry than he has written about anything other than his dogs. Contrary to what Frances O'Connell writes (below), Randall Terry was a domestic terrorist and racketeer. So ridiculous was the Record in its Randall Terry worship that after the Supreme Court's 2003 Gay rights decision, it featured a cropped picture of a demonstration at the Federal Courthouse, with inflated claims on attendance. Jacksonville newspaper and TV photos showed just a handful, half kids brought to protest by homophobic parents.

The St. Augustine Record avidly advanced the cause of segregation in St. Augustine in the 1960s. While championing terrorist Randall Terry's free speech rights, the St. Augustine Record fired cartoonist Ed Hall for a cartoon the Record printed (knuckling under to pressure from PHIL McDANIEL (a/k/a "PHILISTINE PHIL," "PHIL THE SHILL") and the School Superintendent.

The St. Augustine Record won't print dissenting views on the firing of Ed Hall, never reporting it as a news story, now subjecting its readers to only dull cartoons every Sunday.

Every week, there's less and less news in the Wreckord. What it prints is pure propaganda, as in the PHIL MAYS mash note, below, which did not even report that MAYS had to recuse himself when the County Attorney noted his involvement with SR 207development schemes.

The Wreckord is declining and could go bankrupt if it doesn't start reporting news that people need to know -- like just who PHIL MAYS worked for and just why the REcord fired a political cartoonist for First Amendment protected activity.
As Tacitus said of the sack of Carthage, "they created a desert and they called it peace."

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