Friday, April 24, 2009

Good editorial on County Schools' Establishment Clause violations

(see below). The St. Johns County School Board was ill-advised and just plain wrong not to agree to the preliminary injunction without a fight, having said they wouldn't make the kids sing the song. This wasted the judge's time and the time and money of plaintiff and defense lawyers, for whom St. Johns County taxpayers (and our insurance carrier) will ultimately pay.

We need First Amendment and Bill of Rights training for all School Board employees, from the Board and Superintendent to support staff. A stand-down and all-day in-service day should suffice to impress everyone with the seriousness of the situation, for as the Supreme Court said In re: Gault, "the Constitution and Bill of Rights are not for adults alone."

We need School Board members who don't pander to prejudice and a School Superintendent who doesn't wear his religion on his sleeve, emitting inane comments (like saying the plaintiff parents "have their own agenda."

We need a School Superintendent who apologizes when he is wrong and takes the time to listen to the voices of dissenters, whether on the Establishment Clause or students' and parents' rights to be provided with opt-out forms (so they won't be harassed and coerced by military recruiters automatically given students' personal information, including grades and ethnicity, to cruise our schools for future soldiers).

There's one agenda -- the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Respect them or find other employment, please.

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