Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Anti-labor U.S. Reprobate JOHN LUIGI MICA Opposes Worker Rights


John Mica

Mica Statement on Unionization Rule Change

Washington, May 10 -

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. John L. Mica (R-FL), the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Republican leader, released the following statement regarding the National Mediation Board’s (NMB) final rule to change workplace organizing elections in the aviation and railway industries:

“I am disappointed the National Mediation Board unilaterally amended its election procedures to cater to special interest demands.

“This is a drastic and fundamental change to long-standing rules under the Railway Labor Act, rules which are tied to vital national policies recognizing the importance of air and rail transportation to commerce and the need for union representation that has the support of a majority of all workers. This rule removes 75 years of precedence in which the majority of employees had to vote in favor of unionization.

“Such a fundamental change is properly within the authority of the United States Congress alone. Not only have the majority members of the NMB acted without Congressional oversight, but they have also acted beyond the scope of their own proposal.”

“The NMB’s final rule is just another example of this Administration’s shortsighted, job-killing policies.”

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