Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Rep. JOHN LUIGI MICA Is Tough On Crime (But Then His Daughter Was Arrested for DUI and the Evidence Was Suppressed)

Representative JOHN LUIGI MICA talks tough on crime. See below.

But MICA's not tough on white-collar crime by his campaign contributors, like BP.

People who hang out at country clubs and fancy restaurants monopolize, price-fix, pollute and cheat their workers -- MICA does not give a fig.

And when his daughter (D'ANNE LEIGH MICA) was arrested for DUI, puking drunk, in his hometown of Winter Park, his daughter's skilled attorney utilized what MICA would call "technicalities" (and fulminate and legislate against) if raised by anyone else.

Did JOHN LUIGI MICA make one of those infamous "after 5 o'clock phone calls?" Or did he even have to?

Mirabile dictu, MICA's daughter's blood alcohol was not tested for several hours after her arrest. But it was still 0.19, more than twice the legal presumption for intoxication. The delay did not help.

The audio of the police video of her field sobriety test is unavailable. Broken.

The Orange County State's Attorney's office and Clerk of Courts have not been forthcoming with records or answers. Color them unaccountable.

There were several notations on the docket record about failures to appear, which have since been materially altered/deleted.

Then a judge granted a suppression motion (still not provided in response to our Open Records requests).

The motion is supposed to be based upon D'ANNE LEIGH MICA not providing sufficient probable cause with her weaving, and about the officer allegedly being out of his Maitland P.D. jurisdiction.

The ineluctable conclusion is that the system works well to help criminal defendants if your name is MICA in Orange County, Florida. For anyone else, JOHN LUIGI MICA's voting record establishes (below) that he's a shoot-first, ask-questions-later, lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key-Fascisti. In other words, a typical Republican who lacks compassion (unless the citizen accused is a family member or BP exec).

Do you reckon that Reprobate Republican Representative JOHN LUIGI MICA is nothing more than a dull pinky ring wearing, head-butting, martini-guzzling, lobbyist-coddling, other-directed aging fratboy Republican, as lugubrious a goober as ever made a chair squeak?

It's time for JOHN LUIGI MICA to go.

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