Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Too many dead workers, dead fish, dead birds, dead wetlands -- desuetude of worker and environmental protection laws is a crime, a sin and a tort

Desuetude is a crime, a tort and a sin. Fourteen offshore oil workers dead. Twenty-nine miners dead. All due to criminal corporations with no respect for law and order. My written testimony before the March 4, 2010 "OSHA Listens" session (below) was mildly prophetic. What do you reckon?

If hindsight is 20/20, we should find it all the more unreasonable if Congress and the President do not act soon to protect whistleblowers in all walks of life, the way that God intended. As it says in Isaiah (and it's carved on the wall at the CIA headquarters): "The truth shall set you free."

There are still 6000 American workers killed at work each year and another 50,000 dead from occupational diseases. Worldwide, some 2.3 million workers die in the workplace annually. Corporate homicide must be prosecuted, starting with the lying scoundrels at British Petroleum.

By the way, there is only one government agency in St. Johns County with a whistleblower protection policy worthy of the name -- the Anastasia Mosquito Control District of St. Johns County (AMCD). Since the corrupt Republican Florida legislature and Governor John Edward Bush (a/k/a "Jeb" Bush) took away Florida government workers' OSHA rights, Florida's state, county, municipal and special taxing district workers have had no right to complain about life-threatening conditions at work. (Except at AMCD).

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