Why in the name of all that's holy would you buy a $1.8 million Bell Jet Ranger helicopter without competitive bidding, claim it was a sole source procurement when the helicopter isn't even designed for mosquito control? Why would you call the Sheriff to try to silence Don Givan, a former Army captain, who told Anastasia Mosquito Control District Commissioners that a Sikorski helicopter designed for mosquito control costs only $351,000? Why would you violate the Sunshine law by discussing "security" and calling the St. Augusitne Record's editorial page editor? Why would you not apologize for the illegal purchasing, calling the Sheriff and Sunshine violations? Why would you respond to public criticism of mismanagement not by discussing mismanagement and solving problems, but asking Republican County Commissioners to take over the Board?
Ask AMCD Chair BARBARA BOSANKO and Vice Chair LINDA WAMPLER, pictured below with AMCD lawyer AUDRIE M. HARRISS of the Daytona law firm of DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID. Does being Chair and Vice Chair of AMCD mean never having to say you're sorry? See more below. On August 30, 2007, AMCD Commissioners will vote to hire their third lawyer this year. See below. Tune in the Roger Ramsey show on radio station WFOY this morning at 9:30 this morning and hear AMCD Commissioner Jeanne Moeller, a proud Democrat elected county-wide in this (currently) Republican-majority county, along with this blog's author (Ed Slavin) discuss AMCD's future.
Below is the famous photo of the AMCD Chair and Vice Chair violating Sunshine laws with their lawyer on July 10, 2007, videotaped by AMCD and published by the St. Augustine Record, which deserves another journalism prize for exposing AMCD's effronery, flummery and lawbreaking. AMCD's lawyer told the Record and state prosecutors she wasn't talking to Vice Chair LINDA WAMPLER, who may be heard talking on the videotape.

For more, see articles and editorials from St. Augustine Record last month reproduced below. Still no coherent answers from AMCD and DWAK, which has resigned as AMCD's lawyers effective September 10, 2007, three days before AMCD's budget hearing.

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