New dock by 312 bridge proposed
Antigua of Anastasia Island seeks community dock
Publication Date: 08/30/07
Another developer wants to build a community marina on the Intracoastal Waterway at the foot of the State Road 312 bridge.
John Simon, project manager for Antigua of Anastasia Island, will ask the city's Planning and Zoning Board on Tuesday for a permit to build a 400-foot boardwalk and 78-slip marina just north of S.R. 312.
The dock would sit near the confluence of the San Sebastian and Matanzas rivers, south of Fish Island Marina.
"A community dock is one of the amenities we would like for the people who purchase homes here," Simon said.
He's acutely aware of the protests and opposition that resulted after Fish Island LLC proposed building a 1,000-foot community dock south of the 312 bridge earlier this year.
That developer also wanted a dock to serve its condo residents.
That application was vehemently resisted by residents, in part because it could harm wetlands and bird nesting areas and in part because the natural vista from the bridge would, in their view, be spoiled.
The city's Planning Board and City Commission ultimately rejected that dock permit.
Simon believes there is no comparison between that dock and his, except that they're located on the same waterway near the same bridge.
"Our boardwalk will be 200 over the marsh area and 200 over open water," Simon said.
"It's a quarter of the length (1,000 feet) of that other one. Ours will not be visible from a residential area, and only barely visible by drivers on the bridge."
The Coast Guard requires the dock to sit 100 feet away from the main channel, he said.
"We've thought it through and have addressed all the issues that have brought concern," Simon said.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Florida Department of Environmental Protection have already issued the required permits for the dock.
City approval is the final obstacle.
Simon also serves as vice president for the property owners, AMC Delancy Hudson Capital Properties of Philadelphia, Pa., and said they realized that a dock would be a good amenity only after the project was approved in 2005.
He'd also like to have 12 smaller docks -- private ones and some for all Antigua residents -- on a stream called only "Un-Named Tributory" in city documents. The stream borders the 132-acre Antigua property on the north side.
Antigua will have 417 condominiums -- starting at about $400,000 each -- and 33 single-family homes that are not yet priced.
The five-story condos along the Intracoastal will be limited to 50 feet high, while more inland buildings stay below the 35-foot maximum height.
AMC Delaney documents filed in City Hall make the case that their community dock would meet a need for more local dock space and also would serve as a community asset because non-residents will be permitted to boat over and walk 500 yards or so to restaurants and shops along the north side of S.R. 312.
Otherwise, dock spaces are reserved for residents and their one-night guests.
"It will benefit the public as a whole," AMC Delaney documents said about the dock.
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