AUDRIE M. HARRIS attended videotape Sunshine violation with Chair BOSANKO and member WAMPLER
"A [person] cannot serve two masters." So wrote Matthew and the U.S. Supreme Court of conflict of interest case, United States v. Mississiippi Valley Generating Company.
Lawyer AUDRIE M. HARRIS and her law firm of DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID participated in and gave advice during the false police report and attempted false arrest of citizens criticizing purchase of a $1.8 million helicopter without competitive bidding. Then HARRIS and Commissioner LINDA WAMPLER and Chair BARBARA BOSANKO of the Anastasia Mosquito Control Commission of St. Johns County (AMCD) participated in a Sunshine violation, which AMCD kindly videotaped and broadcast as the first-ever televised AMCD broadcast.
Now State's Attorney John Tanner is investigating the Sunshine violation by HARRIS, DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID, BOSANKO and WAMPLER (see photos below).
Will DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID recuse itself from all AMCD work?
Will DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID give more advice about violating Constitutional rights?
Will DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID give criminal defense advice to AMCD members?
Will DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID share the same criminal defense lawyers with WAMPLER and BOSANKO?
Will DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID resign before one of its lawyers is indicted?
Will DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID apologize?
Will DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID ever answer the questions about the illegal purchase of the helicopter?
Does DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID have any principles when it comes to representing governmetnal clients?
Will DORAN, WOLFE, ANSAY & KUNDID be charged with false claims against the Town of Ponce Inlet by the Attorney General of Florida, joining in the suit brought by priate litigants for False Claims Act violations?
President Clinton said in his Second Inaugural, "Nothing great was ever accomplished by being small." These cognitive misers have shown themselves to be de micromis (smaller than de minimis) when it comes to protecting the public interest and protecting the public fisc. Will they hang their heads in shame and resign? Or will they continue covering up the purchase of a $1.8 million helicopter and $1.25 piece of land without competitive bidding. See below.
You tell me. As Robert Kennedy said, "it is not enough to allow dissent, we must demand it, for there is much to dissent from."
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