On July 10, Anastasia Mosquito Control District of St. Johns County (AMCD) member LINDA WAMPLER interrogated citizens about whether we'd reported AMCD violations to the FLoriaa Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), what we knew about mosquito control, even opining that "under Roberts' Rules of Order," the helicopter is "a done deal."
Wrong. Under Section 178 of the Restatement of Contracts (Second)(Contract Violations of Public Policy), the helicopter contract violates AMCD's January 9, 1992 policy requiring competitive bidding. That contract -- and another contract for land purchase without competitive bidding, are "void ab initio."
We're not going to take the word of Ms. WAMPLER, or AMCD CHAIR BARbARA BOSANKO.
Like any good diplomats, we're not going to take no for an answer.
This worst example of waste, fraud, abuse in St. Johns County in the 20th century will not stand.
That's why when they called the Sheriff on a former Chase Manhattan Asst VP, a current Citibank VP, a former Army Captain, and me, we did not back down. Our Founders were made of sterner stuff. So are we.
We don't accept mendacity, malice, mediocrity, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, waste, fraud and abuse. Neither should anyone else.
The whole world is watching AMCD.
For more, see articles and editorials from St. Augustine Record and Jacksonville Times-Union, below.
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