Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Florida Times-Union: Heather Beaven Leads JOHN LUIGI MICA in Poll

Poll: Beaven running tough against Mica
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Submitted by David Hunt on June 2, 2010 - 9:43am Death, Taxes & Politics

Democrat Heather Beaven, a Navy vet who is running against incumbent U.S. Rep. John Mica, released a poll Wednesday that shows momentum for her leading up to the Nov. 2 general election.

Although the poll shows Mica has a 56 percent approval rating among voters (total poll sample was 400 voters with a 4.9 percent MOE), only 32 percent said he should be retained in office.

Beaven has been hammering on Mica for his pro-drilling politics in light of the oil spill in the Gulf.

The poll presents several election scenarios.

- After simple biographical descriptions were given of each candidate, voters were favoring Mica with 50 percent of the vote, compared to Beaven's 44 and 6 percent undecided.

- But after moderate message testing, Beaven had the lead: 47-43-10.

SEA Polling of Sarasota conducted the research between May 20 and 24.

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