Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Orlando Sentinel: Beaven Memorial Day message: Mica sold out America

Orlando Sentinel: Beaven Memorial Day message: Mica sold out America

Uncategorized — posted by aaron deslatte on May, 28 2010 2:49 PM
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TALLAHASSEE — As far as election-year publicity moves go, this one’s not bad.

Heather Beaven, the Democrat waging a long-shot bid to oust firmly entrenched U.S. Rep. John Mica, R-Winter Park, is going to Louisiana to volunteer for oil-spill clean-up duty, and using the opportunity to hammer her opponent for his oil-industry ties.

In a press release, the Palm Coast candidate matter-of-factly notes that Mica “has said that this spill is not BP’s fault. He has also supported drilling in environmentally sensitive lands including ANWAR, the Keys and the Everglades since 1970.” She goes on that Mica ”whose brother, daughter, and son have spent time lobbying on behalf of big oil companies, has accepted nearly $100,000 in campaign contributions from oil special interest groups.”

“It’s Memorial Day weekend and the best way to honor those who have died for America is to make sure that we never again sell her to the highest bidder,” she said.

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