Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Los Angeles Times: Pensacola Beach, Fla., prepares for oil spill

June 2, 2010 | 12:14 pm

If you're planning a summer trip to the Florida coastline, you may want to steer clear of Pensacola Beach. The BP oil spill that has ravaged the Gulf of Mexico and the Louisiana coast could make its way to the Florida shore as soon as Wednesday.

As of Tuesday, an oil sheen could be seen about nine miles from the coast, according to a report by the Associated Press. The report also describes state officials' requests for about $150,000 to respond to the imminent mess as being ignored by BP.

A popular annual fishing tournament in Pensacola Beach was called off because of oil-spill worries.

So Pensacola Beach's white sand may be about to get a lot darker. Has the oil spill affected your vacation plans or, worse, are you fearing for your home? Shout it in the comments.

-- Mark Milian

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