Friday, October 02, 2015

To Philistine Censors NANCY SIKES-KLINE, TODD DAVID NEVILLE, et uxores

Sorry, NSK, TDN, et uxores (and all your friends in tuxes):
You demand an illegal oath of omertà as a condition of speaking in public meetings.
You demand a selective, sibilant code of "decorum" as an overt act of retaliation.
I spoke my truth.
That's how God made me.
That's how my parents raised me
That's how my mentors taught me.
I spoke the truth.
And in the words of LTC Oliver L. North, "I'd do it again." smile emoticon
If you people have a problem with that, stop the torts, crimes and sins, and all of WILLIAM BARRY HARRISS & successors' works and pomps, and all of your political machine's crimes against nature -- enough, by God enough.
Our City dumped a landfill in a lake.
Our City is run by serial prevaricators.
Change that.
Don't think you can hand me a script as a condition of speaking from our $30,000 podium (BOLES' figure circa 2006).
My father jumped out of airplanes and machine-gunned Nazis on two continents to secure our rights to speak out.
The day certain unenlightened uncouth energumen suppose that you can hand citizens a script as a condition of public speaking would be a dark day in our 450 year history.
In your dreams, or our worst nightmares.
As LBJ said to Congress after Selma, "We SHALL overcome!"

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Image result for censorship

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