HEATHER NEVILLE, the troublesome wife of conflicted St. Augustine City Commissioner TODD NEVILLE, a/k/a "CYA CPA," a/k/a "ODD NEVILLE," a/k/a "NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN FOR DODGY DEVELOPERS," has done it again.
HEATHER NEVILLE's "no one paid me" remark reminds me of disgraced Republican President Richard Milhous Nixon's categorical denial, "I'm not a crook." (Said in response to seemingly innocuous question by Oak Ridger Editor Richard D. Smyser at Orlando convention of American Society of Newspaper Editors on November 17, 1973). Read HEATHER NEVILLE's maladroit, biased August 10, 2015 Facebook posting:
The outpouring of support for the DOW to have life again has been phenomenal. Every meeting I am in,the arguments for the PUD keep ringing the same over and over...."this is the vision," "anyone who looks at the vision documents then and now would have no question this is the right thing to do," "it's already so beautiful, just imagine when it's finished." One thing that is great about the process this far is this project will be that much better because of the public input. The meeting tonight does not have it on the agenda however that does not mean it isn't top of mind! Sign the petition and share it. Email the commission your thoughts. It's a good project. Give DOW life again accessible (sic) to all (sic). This post is my own. No one paid me to post it. This is not a representation of any other person or group. It's my St. Augustine too.
THE PETITION Petition supporting a PUD for the proposed boutique Inn on the former Dow Property at 149 Cordova Street. The Cordova Inn Complex will contain eight restored houses with well-appointed suites, off street drop off, pick up and off street valet parking. The Cordova Inn will be a quiet and…
DAVID BARTON CORNEAL, of State College, Pennsylvania, patronizes neighbors.
(Ex-Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR. was the officiant at the NEVILLES' wedding and arranged to put Ms. Neville on the Northeast Florida Transportation Planning Organization, or TPO: BOLES had secret meetings with DAVID BARTON CORNEAL for hours before the November 4, election: the deed for the DOW MUSEUM was recorded on November 5, 2015).
Commissioner TODD NEVILLE lunches weekly with DAVID BARTON CORNEAL's son, and is observed in public doing so, openly and notoriously.
TODD NEVILLE, C.P.A., (R-PROCTORVILLE) is under a legal duty to consider and vote on the DAVID BARTON CORNEAL DOW Planned Unit Development (DOW PUD) application in a quasi-judicial hearing on August 24, 2015.
Like a judge, NEVILLE must be impartial, without fear or favor: it's a quasi-judicial hearing for a reasons.
In the past, no sitting City Commissioner's spouse has lobbied for such a controversial construction project.
While spouses may have causes (like bicycling or quilting or history), they do not act as developer thralls and toadies and cat's paws and lobbyists.
Until now.
Commissioner TODD NEVILLE's wife, HEATHER NEVILLE, is carrying water for the DOW PUD and:
This stinks.
What does HEATHER NEVILLE mean by that?
How can TODD NEVILLE possible be impartial when his wife, HEATHER NEVILLE, knowingly acts as a lobbyist for the DOW MUSEUM of HISTORIC HOMES PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, as controversial and half-haked a project ever to be foisted in St. Augustine by a dodgy developer?
TODD NEVILLE might wish to consider recusing himself as it is an appearance of impropriety for him to vote on a project on which his wife is confusing people with a Facebook campaign, using CORNEAL's false dichotomy (hotel vs. rentals), eschewing discussion of the overt and illegal acts of the DAYTONA MUSEUM OF ARTS and SCIENCES and GARY LIBBY in taking state funds ($2.1 million), taking Mr. DOW's donation, and then selling it all to a dodgy developer).
TODD NEVILLE, the "CYA CPA" who viciously and vigorously opposed 450th audits, may face state ethics charges over his wife's activities if he does not disclose his knowledge of them or recuse himself -- is she writing these sweet nothings from their home computer? Is he egging her on? Does he help her with grammar, spelling and punctuation? Is there "pillow talk" involved?
HEATHER NEVILLE stated on her Facebook page that she now carries "Mace," and is angry that her Facebook comments were "revealed."
What do y'all reckon?
Here's HEATHER NEVILLE's Facebook posts from yesterday:
17 hrs ·
Heather Neville
So much discussion about vision for our community, it is sad to see so much hate (sic) and lack of vision (sic) as it pertains to the DOW. Want to talk about traffic, safety, and a nuisance to the beautiful historic residential area? Put in some rentals. How many complaints come into SAPD about B&Bs versus rentals? Lets multiply car loads by a factor of 3 per housing unit. It will destroy (sic) the roads, the coquina walls, and underground utilities exponentially (sic) if that type of car traffic starts with rentals. I dont know Mr. Corneal personally, i've heard he is quite the character, but so are most very successful (sic) individuals. The man lives about 2 blocks from this property, do you think he would do something to hurt himself? Different angle? How about if it's a B&B I will actually be able to visit it? What are we preserving all this history for exactly? And who is monitoring the standards of the homes in HP1, some of them look down right sad including a home that I looked into, it is literally melting into the ground and has a big ugly yard sign in it against this amazing project that has already, just with what renovations have been made, greatly improved the area. Please, if you can, email the commissioners, come in force on the 24th, support our commissioners who listen to all of the community and not the 15 who show up to every meeting and HATE everything. We need the commission to know we support this, we support our communities long term vision, and we support their decisions. This passed first reading thanks to 3 commissioners, let's be able to write a thank you letter to the other two because of overwhelming support! It is a good project.
Heather Neville Adam I don't disagree that downtown needs more rentals. I don't disagree that those other properties are beautiful. And I agree with having zoning. But this has been a commercial property for a long time, it has been sitting in terrible (sic) condition and outside (sic) the financial reach of anyone I know (sic) to help it. It's locked in as far as parking so it can't support parking like the other buildings and the sheer purchase price would make these extremely expensive rentals so it wouldn't help the rentals that we need just give places for expensive rents which would also bring more cars and safety issues. The property proposal has been well vetted (sic) thanks to the list of issues that were presented which is great but a huge (sic) number of rentals would be not good or safe (sic) and would damage those roads to the various properties. City average on occupancy is around 80% when doing well which leaves a much smaller foot print. You could see nearly 30 rentals between all those buildings and with potential for 90 cars I just don't see how that's a better solution for that property. I know I (sic) can't afford to fix it and keep it as a museum so there has to be some compromise.
1 · 14 hrs
Heather Neville Occupancy rate is on hotel stays not on long term rentals. The same people that are against this PUd also came out against a rental complex in Lincolnville that had parking and prices more appropriate for our market needs. And I overheard a few people discussing that "if it becomes apartments we will block that too." I don't understand this sheer hate and meanness. The people who live directly next to and across from this property are for it. The people whose family built it are for it. Thanks to the thorough review it will be a better project for all. I personally think it is a good project.
1 · 14 h
It doesn't pay to be both 'Dirty' AND 'not so bright'. Pass the popcorn, gonna be one hell of a show to come.
Can someone tell me: WHO is the city commissioner, Heather or what's his name, Todd?
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