Tuesday, September 08, 2015


TODD NEVILLE signage at 450th events for VELOFEST may violate IRS rules on "innurement. Got pics. Ready, TODDY?

BayView Healthcare's photo.

We are so proud to announce our leaders... always champions in Saint Augustine Todd and Heather Neville of Neville Breidenstein Wainio CPAs... They make this town better everyday by participating in events like ‪#‎CCN‬ without them we would of never been able to call this event a success... Thank you for all the years of compassion and dedication!

Interesting read.
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  • Ryan Calsbeek the more interesting read is Scalia's resurrection of Shakespeare in his dissent.
  • Todd Neville I specifically like this section because it removes almost all the "political" terms and just gives philosophy of the thought process independent of one's views of the outcome.
  • Ryan Calsbeek that makes it intellectually interesting. I agree. But a window on the inner workings of a justice like Scalia is equally fascinating to me. So strange that they are capable of this intellectual depth and at the same time snarky "I'll take my ball and go home" type stuff as well.
  • Todd Neville Scalia's point by point listing of the use of the word "State" was great. He is a consistent constructionist and honestly must be throwing up at the above posted opinion.
  • Al Tetrault Justice Scalia is certainly the most talented writer on the Court. Sometimes, he is even right. But by looking only at the four corners of a document, and not at the intent of the legislature, his writing often leads to strange conclusions. John Roberts seems to me well balanced in his view of the Court and its role.
    Like · Reply · 1 · June 26 at 9:27am

Joe Gordy and Susan Ponder-Stansel leading a panel on healthcare for the Chamber.
— with Joe Gordy at Renaissance Resort at World Golf Village.

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