Monday, October 27, 2008

Letter: Objects to charter 're-education' dollars

Letter: Objects to charter 're-education' dollars

Dick Hanley
Fruit Cove
Publication Date: 10/27/08

Editor: At a time when St. Johns County is experiencing a projected shortfall of about $12 million in revenue, it is inconceivable that our County Commission found it necessary to spend more than $35,000 to re-educate us on how we should have voted in August.

Also, in my opinion, the one-cent increase in sales tax would go mainly to road construction to benefit developers who have, already made their money and left (e.g. County Road 210, road improvements to International Golf Parkway, etc.), rather than to land conservation.

If we were so misinformed in our vote on the charter that we must immediately reconsider this proposal: Were we not, possibly, misinformed on our voting for County Commission also?

Had the proposed Home Rule Charter passed in August, would we still have been so misinformed?

Wouldn't this $35,000 have been better spent on our parks?

Are the voters so easily led?

Dick Hanley

Fruit Cove

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