Thursday, September 03, 2015

City Attorney's PITIFUL Defense of Illegal Lobbying

 City Attorney's PITIFUL Defense of Illegal Lobbying By Commissioner DONALD CRICHLOW -- Complaint Filed Today

City Attorney ISABELLE CHRISTINE LOPEZ still defends the indefensible -- illegal lobbying in support of the DOW PUD by ex-Commissioner DONALD CRICHLOW, less than two years after he left office. Enough. An ethics complaint against CRICHLOW for violating F.S. 112.313(14) was sent to Tallahassee today. Our inept City Attorney should stand for ethics and n to against it.

Inept City of St. Augustine City Attorney ISABELLE CHRISTINE LOPEZ will now see what the Ethics Commission really says when it rules in writing on an ethics complaint against ex-Commissioner CRICHLOW for lobbying on the DOW PUD.
ISABELLE LOPEZ refused to request any written opinion on any ethics issue during her entire career with our itty bitty City.
Wonder why?
ISABELLE LOPEZ has delusions of adequacy.
ISABELLE LOPEZ claimed that she "believe[d]" she had "oral guidance" on F.S. 112.313(14) -- illegal lobbying by ex-Commissioner DONALD CRICHLOW on the DOW PUD.
A complaint against DONALD CRICHLOW was sent to the Ethics Commission earlier today.
Here's the latest correspondence with ISABELLE LOPEZ, an unjust steward of your City Hall, who fails to protect the public interest against developers, corporations and contractors:
-----Original Message-----
From: easlavin
To: ilopez ; jregan ; aratkovic Sent: Thu, Sep 3, 2015 12:08 pm

Subject: Re: DOW PUD RECONSIDERATION; Former Vice Mayor DONALD CRICHLOW's lobbying in support of DOW PUD (CORDOVA INN) appears to violate F.S. 112.113(14), possible misdemeanor
Dear Izzy, et al.:
Just saw this e-mail a few moments ago. In response.
1. Nothing misstated. Nothing. The Ethics Commission General Counsel told me in a 31-minute conversation last year it does not issue oral opinions.
2. Ex-Vice Mayor DONALD CRICHLOW was elected by Commissioners to fill Mr. Leary's term.
3. Thus, DONALD CRICHLOW had a duty to refrain from lobbying for two years-- your inculpatory silence, dilatoriness and desuetude empowered corruption.
4. You sought no opinion. Where is the one that you purport to rely upon?
5. Your odd behavior and your misleading of our Commissioners is a stench in the nostrils of our City and our Nation.
6. When will you cease and desist being such an inept, rude, insensitive doormat for corporations, developers and contractors?
7. Please call to discuss.
Happy 450th.

-----Original Message-----
From: Isabelle Lopez
To: easlavin ; John Regan ; Alison Ratkovic
Sent: Sat, Aug 29, 2015 6:59 pm
Subject: RE: DOW PUD RECONSIDERATION; Former Vice Mayor DONALD CRICHLOW's lobbying in support of DOW PUD (CORDOVA INN) appears to violate F.S. 112.113(14), possible misdemeanor
Mr. Slavin,
Please stop misstating law and fact. The attorneys at the
Commission on Ethics welcome and encourage communication with the public on
questions regarding Florida ethics. They routinely answer questions verbally
over the phone. Your request was initially for public records, I do not believe
that I have any such records, which is not to say I did not discuss the
revolving door prohibition with both Mr. Crichlow and Mr. Steve Zuilkowski, then
an attorney with the Commission in Ethics. I believe that I spoke to them
simultaneously via speakerphone, but I may have spoken to them separately.
There was no need to ask for a formal, written opinion as there already exists
an opinion on the same topic, which Mr. Zuilkowski brought to my attention. The
statutory language was previously interpreted by the Commission on Ethics as
only prohibiting representation before the local government if a commissioner
was elected to the position. Mr. Crichlow was most recently appointed to finish
Mr. Leary's elected term. Hence, there was no violation of law. You may call
the Commission on Ethics yourself, and they will give you the same answer, over
the phone, verbally.
Isabelle C. Lopez
City Attorney City of St. Augustine

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