Wednesday, September 09, 2015

No, Not BRUCE MAGUIRE for City Commission, Please. Dear. God.

Former County Commissioner BRUCE MAGUIRE, spouse of VIRGINIA WHETSTONE, is threatening to run for St. Augustine City Commission again.  He should be perfectly happy to remain on the Airport Authority board.

If not, the campaign will likely forces on his being a Temple Destroyer, a developer-driven energumen, a big-spending County Commissioner, who wanted to destroy part of Guana for another Serenata Beach resort on the Atlantic Ocean (rerouting SR A1A north of Vilano Beach into the parking  lot to accommodate a developer).

BRUCE MAGUIRE was defeated for re-election to the County Commission and for good reasons.  In 2010, Roxanne Horvath defeated him in his race for St. Augustine City Commission.

Two-time loser BRUCE MAGUIRE's twin brother was also a County Commissioner.  His entitled family owned vast acreage of timber in this neck of the woods: on its land there were turpentine camps that enslaved poor and black people in conditions enforced by corrupt local sheriffs, as civil rights hero Stetson Kennedy's oral histories for the WPA Writer's Project documented.

Two-time loser MAGUIRE married VIRGINIA WHETSTONE, whose family is suing the City of St. Augustine, and seemingly is always suing the City of St. Augustine (this time claiming the right to build a dock on land they never paid taxes on but claim to own).  The WHETSTONES are among the most vocal remaining anti-progressive forces in our City, inspiring some 32 years of oppression of street artists and musicians here, an embarrassment in the eyes of the world.  On September 1, 2015, VIRGINIA WHETSTONE received an award from Governor RICHARD LYNN SCOTT at the secretive Sunshine-violating Governor and Cabinet meeting held on private property at the Treasury without advance public notice (I attended the meeting and reported it anyway).

Is BRUCE MAGUIRE your typical selfish, small-minded businessperson, as provincial a critter as Sinclair Lewis' "Babbitt," a critter who sees government as his benefactor?  As Senator Gary Hart said, "You won't get government off your back until you get your hands out of its pockets."

Not exactly what we need for healing in St. Augustine.

Rotary Club of St. Augustine's photo.


Anonymous said...

Your blog, your opinion.

You don't know what Maguire will do as a commissioner.

If his election means getting rid of either Freeman OR Horvath, I am perfectly willing to create momentum for him. You don't know who he is now.

These little murders of yours are getting old.

Why not work on recalling Neville instead?

Ed Slavin said...

Posted recall statute last week. Where were you when BRUCE MAGUIRE was raping and pillaging St. Johns County as a County Commissioner, with unanimous votes until we elected Ben Rich in 2004? Were you even here? Old enough to vote? Focused on local affairs? Get real -- I don't need your condescension. I know who BRUCE MAGUIRE is -- do you contend that he's a different person today than the one who was elected to County Commission by developers? What lessons did he learn? I am not willing to take a chance on electing another heel. I like Deltra Long -- she's the real deal!

Ed Slavin said...

Posted recall statute last week. Where were you when BRUCE MAGUIRE was raping and pillaging St. Johns County as a County Commissioner, with unanimous votes until we elected Ben Rich in 2004? Were you even here? Old enough to vote? Focused on local affairs? Get real -- I don't need your condescension. I know who BRUCE MAGUIRE is -- do you contend that he's a different person today than the one who was elected to County Commission by developers? What lessons did he learn? I am not willing to take a chance on electing another heel. I like Deltra Long -- she's the real deal!

Ed Slavin said...

"These little murders of yours are getting old?"